...Chapter Thirteen...

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"Aww jeez." You muttered, currently laying on your own bed before feeling a massive ass head ache not even 2 seconds after brain neuron activated. "Fuck, must have drank to much last night, god damn Clef." You muttered, dragging yourself out of bed and figuring the hangover would wear off over time and as you slowly became more awake, and the hangover did wear off eventually. Only to be replaced with nausea and a big ass headache, SCP-343 must really hate you don't he? "Eh, it should go away soon." You muttered, currently working in your office on files of various SCP's and tests, forever being bothered by the headache and so working was harder then normal.

After several pain filled minutes you were able to finish the remaining work, looking over at the schedule for today too see that some tests had to be done in Site-■■, you muttering a few phrases under your breathe from pure annoyance of having to work more until remembering SCP-590 was currently at the site, you smiling a bit to yourself since you'd be able to see TJ again, hell you even considered having TJ heal you from the sickness but figured it be best to not make TJ anymore bed ridden then he already was. "Yare Yare Daze." You muttered, holding your forehead and closing your eyes wishing to just get over it and fucking die, but that would both take too much time and wouldn't even make the headache go away with death from past experiments.

After a while of just sitting around and being sick as fuck you eventually decided to just try and hide it and get the rest of the day done so that sleep can be possessed, going out of your office in order to arrive at Site-■■ on time for the interview with the SCP, of course visiting SCP-590 just to check on him. "Hey TJ." You said, approaching TJ while smiling. "Hello Dr. Y/N." TJ replied while getting up to properly greet you. "How ya doin?" You asked, the two of you starting to talk for a little bit and catch up on each other's lifes, well atleast for what isn't classified or just stuff neither of you desired to mention. "Oh and Dr. Y/N, I noticed you don't seem to be doing so well, do you need me to heal you?" TJ asked and was about to touch you in order to heal you but take on the illness himself, you simply refusing and saying that you could handle it yourself and that you didn't want TJ to have to burden anymore then he already has.

"Alright then Dr. Y/N, but if you need me to heal you just ask." TJ said, you nodding in response and saying your goodbyes before heading off to interview SCP-230 in order to find out more info about the man, I mean he was known as "The Gayest Man Alive" afterall so that made it all the more fun, honestly you just had to make sure you didn't fall under his anomalous effects and made sure to say "No Homo" after the interview.

Kingu Crimson!

"Thank you lord." You muttered, walking back to your office with a bowl of soup in your hand and figuring that it make you feel better, and it did make you feel better for a small amount of time until it went back to total headaches. "God mother fucking melted ass minion damnit." You groaned while holding your head, deciding to just sleep and finish the rest of the work when you didn't feel like shit. "Finally, inner peace." You muttered while trying to fall asleep, but sadly that wasn't an option when the door to your office opened and sadly got shaken til you opened your damn eyes. "Fuck you want ya cock sucking mother fucker Bravo Six reject—" You said while assuming it was just a facility guard, cuz if it was a researcher or 05 member that would have made it all the worse. "Oh, hey Jack." You muttered upon realizing it was just Bright, the man looking down at you in concern from the condition you were in. "Y/N your forehead is warm as hell." Bright stated while putting a hand on your forehead. "I'm fine Bright." You replied, simply pushing his hand away and trying to continue sleep.

"Nuh uh. You are coming with me Y/N." Bright said while starting to carry you to his own office, you simply huffing and just trying to keep sleeping while being carried. "There ya go Y/N." Bright whispered while setting you on the bean bag chair that was mentioned back in the chapter with dat gud shit, you simply staying there and letting Bright so his thing. "There ya go Y/N." Bright said while placing a blanket on you and giving you a full bottle of water. "Thanks Jack." You muttered while drinking the water, Bright smiling in response and patting your head before going to his desk to do his own work, the man definitely did want to stay with you but also had to work so he just moved the bean bag chair closer to his own desk. "Oh and Y/N, I haven't really had the confidence to just tell you so over the past year I've dropped hints, but it seem's you haven't been getting them sadly." Bright said, you looking at him in suspicion.

"B-Basically what I'm saying is that I l-love you Y/N." Bright said while becoming more and more flustered with each word that was said, you also becoming flustered and trying to take in what the absolute fuck just happened. "I-It's okay if you don't love me back Y/N, j-just felt like I had to finally say it." Bright said, you simply being a quiet flustered mess of a human being, well hopefully a human being. I mean I don't have anything agaisnt other worldly being's but you are human, r-right? "Fuck, I knew you'd reject me. Stupid Jack why can't you do anything right you dumbass!?" Bright told himself while silently blaming himself for everything wrong he has done, you interrupting his thoughs with a big old hug. "Oi Oi Oi Jack don't say that, ever say anything bad about yourself and I'll beat the shit out of you." You said, Bright becoming more flustered before hugging you back and smiling. "Also, I love you too idiot." You said, Bright simply looking at you and smiling widely in response.

"Thank you Y/N, and I love ya Lïebling. Alway's know that." (Translation: "Darling") Bright whispered, you looking at him and smiling softly. "Love you as well. Also you don't need to talk like ze Medic dumbass." You said, Bright simply chuckling in response. "Aww~, c'mon let me have atleast a small amount of fun Y/N." Bright said, you simply shaking your head in response. "Daga Kotawaru." (Translation: "I Refuse") You replied while dragging Bright down to the bean bag chair and wrapping the both of you in the blanket, Bright becoming more flustered from your actions. "Ah, Y/N what the—" Bright said before becoming abruptly cut off with you kissing him on ze lips, Bright being suprised but kissing you back almost immediately. After a while the two of you pulled away for the need of oxygen. "Love ya dumbass." You muttered, Bright chuckling in response before hugging you once again. "Love you as well darling." Bright replied, the two of you beginning to cuddle each other and that's kinda what the rest of the day was.

...Chapter End...

A/N: Hello my amigos, I hope you all have enjoyed this chapter and the kinda wholesome moment towards the end, also for all of you German readers I apologize if I got the German part towards the end wrong. But I hope all of you have a fantastic next 24 hours and beyond.

SCP's Mentioned in this Chapter:

- SCP-343 "God"
Written By: Unknown Author

- SCP-590 "He Feels your Pain"
Written By: AdminBright

- SCP-230 "The Gayest Man Alive"
Written By: Sc0tch

Word Count: 1374

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