...Chapter Five...

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WARNING: The following contains Dr3g references and usage of it, if the following triggers you please click off the following chapter.

It was midnight at the foundation, all was quiet and surprisingly well. The guards roamed and no one was awake, well except for you. You were unable to sleep, which was actually surprisingly often for you and several other members of the Foundation. "Eh, just a quick snack and some water." You muttered, slowly getting out of bed and doing your best not to wake anyone up, avoiding guards whenever possible on your way to the cafeteria. Slowly planning in your head what you'd get, you didn't get out of bed at almost 3 AM for nothing after all.

"Alright, a quick snack of either shredded cheese or chips and then a drink from SCP-294. Not suppost to use it outside of testing, but this is important. And if I'm correct no one should be guarding 294." You thought, still making sure to avoid guards while getting what you do desire. "Okay, no guards so I should be clear." You continued to think, looking in the cafeteria before slowly creeping to where the chips where and then to 294, inserting the money and entering [Drink of choice]. "Hell yeah!" You whisper-yelled, grabbing the drink real quick and thanking 294 with a subtle nod, going on your way back to bed with your drink and chips.

"Y/N?" A voice asked, you freezing immediately and thinking it was a guard you missed, or even worse a member of the 05 Council, but that was unlikely. You slowly turning around only to realize it was Clef, with Bright following closely behind the cowboy man. "Hell you doing up, Y/N?" Clef asked, "I got hungry and thirsty so I got a drink and some chips, hell you doing up?" You asked, making sure to be quiet since the attention of a guard is not what any of you desire. "Were looking for an SCP." Bright replied, you asking which one in which Bright's reply was SCP-420-J. "Yare Yare Daze, alright I'll take you there, but you gonna have to let me have some of dat good shit." You muttered, the both of them nodding and agreeing before following you.

"Well well Y/N, didn't know you were the type of person to get up at midnight just for food." Bright commented, you simply sighing in annoyance and nodding. "Yes Bright, I am a person that does that." You replied, Bright smiling in satisfaction before asking a fuck ton of more questions and only shutting up when you all had to hide from nearby guards. Thankfully the three of you eventually made it and you could stop listening to Bright's bullshit and get them dat good shit. "Here we go bois, we gettin dat gud shit." You said, asking for Clef to quickly hold your drink and chips which he agreed while you got out your keycard and opened the door, Bright almost immediately rushing to where 420-J is while Clef handed you your drink and chips back once you put your keycard away and following Bright.

"Oi wait for me shit heads." You said, following them immediately while the door automatically shut behind you. "By the way, thanks for this Y/N." Bright said, you nodding in response. "Now come on, we can go to my office, no one should be there. Plus I got some bean bag chairs." Bright recommended before holding his hand out to you while smiling, you of course being flustered for a moment before putting the bag of chips between your teeth and grabbing his hand. Bright still smiling before walking towards the door, before realizing that he needed you to open the door. "Yare Yare." You thought, letting go of his hand momentarily to get out your card and hand it to him, you trusted Bright enough to not fuck up with your card, it'd be hard to get a replacement and find a reason that doesn't evolve dat good shit.

"Thanks Y/N, guess you trust me enough with your card." Bright commented while smirking, you simply averting your eyes from the dipshit, Clef meanwhile holding 420-J and following the both of you. It was pretty awkward considering Clef was kinda a Third Wheel with that simple interaction. Bright used your card to open the door, immediately leading you to his office once the door opened and made sure to avoid nearby guards on the way Clef following closely behind the both of you. But thankfully the three of you made it safely with only a few close calls, Bright using his own keycard to open the door leading to his office and let go of your hand, the door closing once Clef had made it.

"Damn this is nicer then mine." You muttered, a sense of both jealousy from the bitch having a better office then you and respect for the mans office. "Now, mind having a seat my darling?" Bright asked while pulling up one of the bean bag chairs like it was an actual chair, you clearly becoming flustered at the motion, oh and the smirk placed on the fuckers face didn't make the situation better. It made it much worse. "Oi, don't fucking do that psychotic bitch." Clef said while hitting Bright on the head, temporarily warping reality just to hit Bright. "Hah, stupid bitch." You remarked, chuckling at Bright being in temporary physical pain. "Awww c'mon Y/N, you don't mean that do you?~" He asked, appearing behind you and was rather close for comfort, you simply sighing before hitting Bright in thy face.

"C'mooonnnnnn, why you guy's always mean to me?" Bright asked with his tone sounding somewhat sad as frick, you and Clef just looking at each other before laughing, it wasn't loud but it was noticeable. "You guys are mean." Bright pouted, you feeling slightly bad for the man and deciding to comfort him temporarily before having dat gud shit. You all sitting in each of the bean bag chairs, Clef turning on a nearby lamp so you could all see, and then beginning to smoke some of dat 420-J. Surprisingly Clef was the first to fall under the effects of 420-J, Bright being second and you were third. After that things kind of went to shit, Clef was the "calm" one, Bright was more flirty and however the frick a madlad that craves death level of romantic could be, and finally you just talked and went deeper into life and stuff like that. Even telling stories about all the crazy shit you pulled at the Foundation.

One of the stories you had told was when you once convinced SCP-343 to give you Stand powers while you were visiting Site 17, and lets just say you were banned from seeing SCP-343 and held accountable for almost the destruction of Site 17, Clef filling in some spots since he also received Stand powers per your request, and had also helped with nearly destroying the site since you both thought of the brilliant idea of fighting each other with your new found stands. "Ah, dangerous and reckless. Just how I like my lovers~" Bright commented and gestured towards you, but you had simply ignored him and told the next story about how once you went into SCP-035's containment cell and had yelled "I reject my humanity, Foundation!" before putting on SCP-035 and willingly let yourself be taken over.m, it of course caused a Containment Breach which 035 almost escaped and you died in the process but it was fucking worth it.

You continued to eat, drink, and tell stories until being caught by a few guards, same with Clef and Bright. You were all put under level 12 security and as per protocol hosed down until being permitted to go back to fucking sleep. You all being recromanded and given minor punishments for smoking 420-J, but it was fricking worth it.

...End of Chapter...

A/N: Hey guys, sorry for not posting for 3 days, I kinda just grew lazy and didn't want to do shit/I ran out of ideas. Personally I like to think I was under influence of SCP-___-J, but I am now back. Hope you guys enjoyed, and have a wonderful day/night!

SCP's Mentioned in this Chapter:

- SCP-294 "The Coffee Machine"
Written By: Arcibi

- SCP-420-J "The Best ■■■■ in the World"
Written By: Quikngruvn

- SCP-343 "God"
Written By: Unknown Author

- SCP-035 "The Possessive Mask"
Written By: Kain Pathos Crow

- SCP-___-J
Written By: Communism will win (legit that's the name-)

Word Count: 1461

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