...Chapter Twelve...

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It had been several more months, infact almost a full ass year since you and Bright had ever met, that would be in a few days but now wasn't really the time. For soon it would be D/N's one year anniversary from officially becoming a researcher instead of a D-Class, and you were focused on setting everything up for a smol party celebrating. Really the only ones that would be there would be other researchers/SCP's that you or D/N are friends with or know and talk to more then once and outside of work, so you had Cain keep D/N busy for the days that were needed to prepare, keeping D/N from the site since you had borrowed a empty office and didn't want D/N accidentally getting spoiled.

Anyway's you were currently working and setting up everything, Kondraki currently helping you since Bright and Clef were busy and you did need help with setting up everything, mainly because you are lazy and don't like doing too much work. "Thanks Kondraki for helping." You said, currently moving a table into place while Kondraki set up the decorations for the wall. "No problem Y/N." He replied before going back to work, the rest of todays work being awkward with no talking and mostly just listneing to music while working. The two of you eventually finishing and went back to your jobs, well Kondraki was able to go back to work atleast, you got interrupted by Bright while trying to get back to your own office and actually do work.

"Hey Y/N." Bright said, smiling at you about a few seconds after Kondraki had left with his Minecraft Dog pack of Butterflies, I mean the man's the King of Butterflies after all. Anyway's you and Bright started talking for a bit, hell Bright even took a hand at flirting with you, it was both adorable yet pathetic but you still listened to what he had to say. "Ya know Y/N, I honestly consider you to be a clone of SCP-049 cuz you are the cure for all of my problems." (A/N: Credit to u/legrandguignol on Reddit for that line) He said while grabbing your hand, you actually becoming flustered from what the man had to say, I mean the last few were rather corny but this one was really good, you were thinking of stealing it not gonna lie.

"Awww~, you're becoming flustered darling~" Bright said, smirking at you upon seeing your flustered face. "J-Jack I—" You started, being cut off by Bright interrupting you like a fucking asshole, I mean who the fuck interrupts? Or maybe everyone does and I'm too god damn nice. "Yare Yare Daze Y/N, didn't you learn the first time?" He said before pinning you agaisnt the wall, you becoming much more flustered then you already were, Bright simply reviewing your form from the stance the two of you are in. "Come to my office later, if not I shall simply visit yours~" Bright whispered, no longer pinning you to the wall and walking away to his office, you simply standing against the wall wondering what in the ever living fuck just happened.

Soon you calmed yourself down and decided to just stay in your office, having the a table blocking the door to hopefully keep you safe, wouldn't work for a while but you had a backup plan if it didn't. Going over to a hidden safe and getting out a nerf gun that you hadn't used in a while, knowing Bright this would probably just a big old prank and you had to be prepared. So you locked and hide the safe once again for several reasons that shall not be named, along with wrapping yourself in a blanket for both protection and a way to hide your nerf gun. You waiting for the inevitable fate that was to come, seeing Bright push the table away so he could get to you, I mean he could have just went over the table but we ain't questioning that rn. Anyway's he found you and went up to you, smirking upon seeing you wrapped up like a burrito.

"Aww~, you look adorable as a little burrito Y/N." Bright said, getting a little too close for comfort so you did what anyone would do, you pulled your nerf gun on him. He looked at you for a second and seemed completely in shock, before pulling out his own Nerf gun and pointing it towards your head, kind of an awkward situation don't ya think? No, just me? Alright then. Anyway's the two of you pointed your nerf guns at each other, just kinda sitting there awkwardly and staring at each other. "Seems we got the same idea Jack." You said, Bright looking at you for a minute before lowering his nerf gun before becoming a bit flustered himself and adverting his eyes from you. "Sorry about earlier Y/N. Just wanted to shoot you with a nerf gun." He muttered, you looking at him in pity before hugging the man, nerf gun still located in your hand.

"It's okay Bright, also just ask anytime and I will gladly have a nerf battle with you, no need to be sexy as fuck." You said, Bright becoming more flustered before hugging you back, but secretly back stabbing you and shooting your back with a nerf gun, but you had the same idea and shot his head with a nerf gun. The two of you chuckling at each other before you stopped being a burrito and Bright helped move the table back in place. "See ya soon Jack." You said while he exited your office, Bright not responding while walking out. You didn't know why but didn't give a shit anyway's.

Kingu Crimson!

"Happy Researcher Anniversary D/N!" You yelled, D/N walking into the extra office to see the party supply's set up, having everything from entertainment to food and drinks. "Thank you guy's, this is honestly one of the greatest thing's to happen." D/N said, making sure to thank everyone there and those that helped out with preparing. You leaving D/N to interact with the others, and maybe having Cain talk with them when needed. I mean he already spent the last few days with them so wouldn't really matter either way, so while the others enjoyed their selves you just stood to the side and drank some Energy Drinks, but Clef came over and somehow had convinced you to have some alcohol and have some fun.

After several attempts you gave in and got a bit drunk with Clef, you not being nearly as drunk as Clef but still acted like a drunk person, Clef being more on the side of flirtatious and a angry boi while you were more calmer and acted more dead inside then usual. "Hey, you doin okay Dr. Y/N? You seem to be doing less good then usual." D/N said, you looking over at them and smiling while saying that you were okay and not doing nearly as bad as Clef while pointing towards the cowboy. "Now D/N, go over and have some fun!" You said, D/N looking at you in concern before nodding and going back over to have some fun, you continuing to be lonely and drink away the pain. And by drink it was both a mixture of alcohol and regular drinks. (A/N: As a note all tho never specified in this you are legally allowed to drink depending on where you live, if you aren't allowed to drink where you live then just pretend—)

...End of Chapter...

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed! Also I know this is late but I wanna thank you all for 1k reads, I was going to make a chapter about it but I didn't have all that much motivation and figured it take a while to write and I'm lazy as frick. Once brain decides to be alive and be able to write it the celebration shall be written, anyway's hope you all have a great next 24 hours and make sure to stay cool my cucumbers.

SCP's Mentioned in this Chapter:

- SCP-073 "Cain"
Written By: Kain Pathos Crow

- SCP-049 "Plague Doctor"
Written By: Gabriel Jade/djkaktus

Word Count: 1401

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