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Jimin's breathing stabled after a couple of minutes. Jungkook slowly put his palms under the boy's chin. " Now tell me exactly what happened?"

Jimin took a whimpered breath as he continued. "Tae is at Hanam-bridge, and he is alone and he is not in his right state of mind and he is....he is. Just save him Jungkook", he struggled to word out the last words as he tugged onto Jungkook's shirt.

"I know a person, who can save him in time," Jungkook spoke with a soothing tone.

Jimin lifted his head, "Who?"

"Yoongi hyung"

"How can he?"

"His house is nearby, I will call him and explain the matter to him. So stop crying now okay?" Jungkook assured.

Jimin sat up straight on the pavement wiping his tears away and nodding eagerly. He could do anything to get his friend safe and sound.

Jungkook flashed a comforting smile to Jimin, dialled the number. Yoongi picked the call in seconds.

Damn, before Jungkook could even complete his statement, yoongi cut the call rushing towards the bridge.

"Jimin, why don't we wait at yoongi's house. I am sure he will take care of it". Jungkook slowly lifted the boy and heading towards yoongi's house by cab.

A/n:- Jimin is from the future. So he should have known what happened next. Seeing him in a panicked state looks like the scenes are changing. Will yoongi be able to save Tae. Oops, I did mention angst. I can't promise anything.

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