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Tae was fuming with anger, because Jimin not just left him in the camp all alone, but refused to pick his call all night.

He hadn't slept all night thinking all the possibilities Jimin might have been in. Anxiety was shooting on the top of his head. He tapped on his phone impatiently until it finally rang.

Dickhead calling.......

Tae instantly picked the phone and screamed on the top of his lungs. He didn't care if Jimin loses his hearing today.

"Where the fuck are you, bitch!"

~Tae-ah, why don't cool down first. I...I am a friend's house~

Tae lost the last bit of patience he had for this brat. "Jimin, you better tell me the truth now. Because bitch you don't have any friends other than me".


There was a moment of silence until Jimin spoke up again.

~Ok don't be mad. I am at yoongi's house~

Tae instantly cut the call. That name made his veins run cold. After the incident, he confronted Yoongi a few times just to know that he a total playboy. Jimin was at yoongi's house. Just the thought made taehyung shiver. He instantly picked his phone to message Jimin.

Message Inbox
[3rd November 2013]

Send me that bastard's address. I am coming to pick you up. Also, make sure you stay ten metres away from.

(Read at 9.48 am)

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