34. Bravado

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The school day goes by in a blur. I walk into a class, sit down, and wait for the bell to ring so I can walk out of the class. The time in between is spent replaying Ben's words in my head. Those extremely long three minutes where he told me he wanted to be with me, where he told me he loved me.

In Animal Behavior, I nudge Dean while Mr. Russo's back is turned.

"When did you tell Ben about me?" I whisper. "At the party?"

He eyes me. "What party?"


"I didn't see him. He left before Lo and I got there."

I bite my lip to stop the smile. So Ben really did leave early.

"We weren't going to say anything but..." he shrugs. "We were sick of seeing you mope around."

"Question, Myers?" Mr. Russo asks. He's glaring at us. "Any more talking and you'll get detention."

Dean zips his lips and scooches his chair closer to the table. We focus on the lesson until five minutes later, Dean pushes a piece of paper towards me.

He wrote: Did you take him back?

I shake my head. He draws a bunch of exclamation points and question marks. I put my finger to my lip and point to the board. Dean really can't afford getting detention today.

When the final bell rings, Dean shoots out of his chair and beelines it for the door. He's completely forgotten about our conversation. Or so I thought.

He spins on his heel and points at me. "Take him back!"

Everyone in class looks at me and starts giggling. I keep my head down and run after Dean. "Good luck, jerk!" I shout as he runs down the hall to the locker room. Good luck, Ben.


"You're gonna take him back, right?" Garrett asks while he scoops up a semi-frozen piece of poop.

I told Liz and Garrett everything that happened today. I didn't have a choice–it was written all over my face, according to Liz. I flip up the hood of my jacket to try and hide. The sun is setting, turning the air frigid. I'm not sure how I'll survive watching the soccer game without a personal space heater.

Garrett points the end of his scooper at Liz. "Talk some sense into her."

"Get that thing away from me!" Liz jumps back. "And I'm staying out of it. It's Rory's decision."

Garrett rolls his eyes at me. "She's only got eyes for Cavone now."

"Garrett I swear I will hurl a piece of shit at your face."

He folds his arms. "Oh really?"

Liz fakes going to grab one in the grass and laughs when Garrett flinches.


At the game, Mom and Dad are in the bleachers with the other parents. They hired a babysitter for Colin tonight. Mom brought hand warmers and two blankets for me and my friends to protect us from the cold metal under our butts.

When Val and Allison arrive, Val's got the number 7 written in white on both of her cheeks. She draws 19 on Liz's cheeks. When I put my chin in her hand, she asks, "What number?"

"Seven," I say, pointing to my right cheek. "And twenty-three here," pointing to my left.

Her eyebrows lift up and she smiles. "O-kay." She drags the face crayon along my skin.

"Are you dating my brother now?"

"No. I'd tell you if we were."

"But you're wearing his number."

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