20. Move On

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Dad picks me up after dinner. Ben's mom made us lasagna and spent the whole time at dinner asking me questions about being a triplet—like if we have telepathy and stuff.

"We sometimes can tell what each other are thinking, but I think it's just because we're similar... We're usually all thinking the same thing."

Ben's mom's eyes widen with intrigue. "Do you ever have the same dreams?"

"Mom," Ben groans. He looks at me and makes a sign of circling his finger around his temple like she's crazy.

I giggle. "No, not that I know of."

Ben and I help clean up and Dad calls to tell me he's on his way. The rain has slowed down but I'm sure Dad doesn't want Ben driving me on slick roads in the dark, either. I thank Mrs. Wolff for everything and she tells me to please come back soon. Then Ben takes me into the foyer to wait for Dad.

"One sec!" Ben says. He sprints up the stairs. I stand there alone, this time looking at the two boys in the photo like I've known them forever. I was there. I took that picture. Is it crazy to say I feel like part of the family?

I picture Mrs. Wolff in a pink satin dress walking into the room. The hair stylist is pinning down the last of my fly-aways. Liz is ironing out the ends of my ivory dress.

Mrs. Wolff takes my hands. "You look stunning, my daughter-to-be!" Oh god, why am I thinking about my wedding day?

I'm knocked out of the daydream by something warm hitting my temple. It's my socks!

"I put them in the dryer," Ben says. Instead of me balancing on one leg to put on the socks, Ben bends down and puts them on for me.

When he stands back up, he gives me a long hug. "I had a lot of fun today."

"Me too," I say. "Busy tomorrow?" I laugh, though I'm only half-joking.

Ben pulls back. "Sorry, soccer practice."

My phone starts vibrating in my pocket. It's Dad. "I've gotta go."

"See you Monday?"

I kiss him. "Yes. I can't wait!"

He kisses my cheek and lets me out the door. He lingers, watching until I reach Dad's car and wave at him.

When I get in the car, Dad's eyebrows are raised like he's waiting to hear all the gossip.

"Hey," I say, nonchalantly.

"How was your day?"

"Really good."

"Is he your boyfriend, then?"

My lips barely part. "Yep..."

"That's great, sweetie. I'm really happy for you."

I cringe. "Okay Dad."

He's quiet for a moment, then says, "Logan's no longer grounded."

My jaw drops. "Really? That's great!"

"All thanks to you." He smiles softly and holds his hand out, palm up, on the center console. "I'm so glad you three have each other. But don't forget that you always have me and your mom, too. You and your brothers, I feel that we've neglected you."

I run my fingers along one of his palm lines. "That's not true. You and Mom have Colin to look after, and you have work. We're not kids anymore."

"You'll always be kids to us." He shakes his head. "It's always been easy with Dean—we've got soccer, but with you and Lo... Your mom's always been better with you both."

I pull my hand away. Is this really happening? It doesn't feel real that Dad's saying this. He's actually acknowledging the favoritism.

"We haven't been there for you enough," he continues. "I promise we're going to change that. Your Mom and I, we're going to change that."

I nod, but stay silent. Thinking about it, what if Mom and Dad didn't have Colin? Would what happened at Jess's have happened if Mom and Dad were more present? Would they have thought twice before letting me sleepover? Would they have double-checked that Jess's parents would be home?

My head hurts now. Whether or not it would've changed things, what does it matter now? It's not worth thinking about.

I need to move on.


Dear Readers,

Thank you for enjoying my novel! I promise I'll add more chapters within the next week. 

In the meantime, you might like my romance novella EMOTIONAL DISTANCE (for a mature audience) or you can help me continue writing B.F.F., an on-going story about two childhood friends who reconnect after college. 

Thanks again. Happy summer :)

-KP, June 4, 2021

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