14. Biting Down

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I wake up late on Sunday to the sound of the leaf blower in our front yard. Logan's out there waving it around so the leaves swirl in the air and fall back in the same spot. That's odd. Usually Dad does the landscaping.

I brush my teeth and jog downstairs. Mom's doing crossword puzzles and Colin's rolling around on his primary-colored mat. I pour myself some cereal and plop down on the couch to watch TV.

Logan and Dad come through the backdoor. Dad's wearing goggles and gloves. He hands Logan the box of giant garbage bags and Logan takes out a few. When they walk back out, Logan glares at me. I can tell he is out for blood. I bring my legs closer to my body as if I could hide behind them.

I spend the afternoon doing homework. Even though I've got earbuds in, I can feel the thuds of heavy footsteps shaking my bed. My door swings open and slams into my dresser. Logan marches into my room.

I close my book slowly. "What's up?"

"I just came to tell you that you're a shit sister and I wish I never went to check on you in the girl's bathroom."

This is worse than if he screamed at me.


He points a finger in my face. "Deal with your own shit. Don't take it out on me."

Now I'm mad. "Hey! I'm looking out for you. It could consume you."

"Don't pretend that this has anything to do with me. This is all about you. You and what happened this summer."

I'm taken aback. "Screw you."

"Live in denial all you want, Ror. Just remember that I kept your secret. But you couldn't give me that same courtesy." He starts for the door. "Oh, and you know what's hilarious about this whole thing?"

I snort mucus back up my nose in response.

"Your boyfriend is a pothead."

I stand up on my mattress so I tower over him. "You don't know what you're talking about! Whatever Patrick told you, it was for his brother, not him!"

Logan's silent for a second, staring at me with his mouth open. Then he clutches his stomach and starts howling in laughter.

"Stop it!" I shout. "Stop laughing!"

Logan takes a few breaths to collect himself. "You believe that? Ben smokes, Rory. You know how I know? Because I've smoked with him! I bet he's always late to Drawing class because he's busy getting high in the parking lot."

I grab the corner of one of my pillows and hurl it at him. He runs out the door and slams it.

"HEY!" I hear Dad shout from downstairs. "What the hell is going on up there?"

I leap off my bed and lock my door. Minutes later, Dad knocks.

"It was the wind!" I shout. "I need to study." Whether or not he buys it, he gives me peace.

Ben lied to me. He did it on purpose, just to make me look like a fool. I imagine him with Patrick, telling him about our night and how bad of a kisser I was. How gullible I am...

I shove my homework off my bed and cover my face with a pillow to scream.


It's 2 am when I open my eyes. My phone is dead.

No one woke me for dinner? I've never slept this long before. I try to go back to sleep but my grumbling stomach won't allow it. I watch infomercials in the family room and eat three bowls of cereal in a daze until I pass out.

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