19. 400 Lux

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The sound of rain pattering against the window keeps me from getting out of bed. I've definitely overslept and I can hear everyone moving about downstairs, but my comforter is too cozy.

Eventually I muster up the strength to reach across the bed and grab my phone charging on the nightstand. It's almost noon, but that's not the shocking part—there's also a text from Ben, and he sent it two hours ago!

Ben: morning. Last night was really fun!

I'm wide awake now. I sit up and type back.

Me: it was! Thank u for coming :) 

He responds immediately.

Ben: can I call?

I cover my mouth and test my voice. How tired does it sound? "Hello... hello... testing..." I think I've worn out the cracks, so I type back that he can call me.

My phone lights up with his name.

"Hey," I say, cringing at the lingering grogginess of my voice.

"Hey," he says. "Crappy day, huh?"


"Are you doing anything today?"

"Nuh uh."

"Wanna come over? My mom's making banana bread. She always bakes when it's bad weather."

His mom? He wants me to meet his mom! Isn't that soon? Then I realize he's already met my parents three times now.

"I have to ask my parents but I'm sure they'd be cool with it," I say.

"Awesome! I can pick you up."

I tell him I'll text him when my parents give me an answer. My heart is racing after I hang up. When I go downstairs, my whole family is in the living room and kitchen area. Logan and Dean are playing with Colin on the floor and Mom and Dad are sitting at the kitchen counter. I try to be discreet so Logan and Dean don't overhear.

"Mom...?" I whisper. I can feel my brothers watching.

"Mmm," Mom answers without even looking up from her crossword.

"Can... Can I go to Ben's house? His mom will be there."

Dad checks his watch. "Now?"

I shrug. "Yeah... Like, soon...ish."

"I'm okay with it," Mom says.

I bite my lip to hide my smile, but then Dad asks where he lives.

"I don't know. He's picking me up."

Dad frowns. "Not in this weather. I'll drive you."

"No Dad, please?" I beg. "He's a really good driver."

Dad snorts a laugh and shakes his head. "Either I drive you or you're not going."

My brothers both go "Oooooo!" I spin around and glare at them. Then I accept defeat and trudge back to my room. This is so embarrassing. What am I supposed to say to Ben? That Daddy doesn't trust Ben driving his little princess around?

It takes me five minutes to come up with what to text him.

Me: Got the OK! My dad's going out anyway so he can drive me

Ugh but what if Ben's house is in the middle of nowhere and totally out of the way from wherever Dad's imaginary destination is.

Me: Got the OK! Its already nice of you to invite me. my dad will drive me over. Don't worry!

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