Ch 7

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A whiny "How rude" is all you heard from the other side of the line before he broke out laughing. All you did was clench your fists until your knuckles were turning white. This man did nothing but anger you from the moment he decided to walk out on you.

"I saw you skate tonight, you did quite well for someone with an ankle like yours. But how do you think Joe will feel when he finds out his own baby sister betrayed him?" Your eyes widened and you stopped walking. How did he know? He left as soon as the skating accident happened. He shouldn't know about your ankle. But he was right, your ankle never healed correctly. Your balance was off because of it, and you would constantly get pain in your ankle if you did too much. You worked hard to not let it stop you from skating, Kaoru helped you with it. Nervously you replied, "I don't know what you're talking about".

The man on the other end just laughed again. You started to panic and hung up the phone trying to sprint home. Tears started to form in your eyes and it was getting harder for you to see. You didn't notice a small hole in the road and you ended up tripping and twisting your bad ankle. All you could do was sit there in the middle of the street, tears streaming down your face, in the middle of a panic attack.

That was until someone tapped on your shoulder. You turned around to see a stoic looking boy with blue hair who seemed to be your age. He spoke to you softly as an attempt to calm you down, "Are you alright? Do you need help?" I had never seen this boy before but I felt like I could trust him. I pulled my hood down and took my mask off. "Can you take me to the hospital please, I think I messed up my ankle again and I don't think I can walk on it" The boy nodded and helped you up.

Once you got to the hospital the boy was about to leave since the nurses were taking care of you. But stopped once you called out to him. "Look I don't know your name but thank you for helping me, could I just ask you to do me one more favor?" The blue haired boy looked hesitant but nodded anyway. You quickly wrote down your name and number on a piece of paper.

"Would you be able to take my board for me for just the night? I can't really explain but I can't keep it on me. I gave you my number so text me about when and how to get it back" The boy took the paper and board and just walked off. He didn't even tell you his name.

You just sighed before grabbing your phone to call Kaoru. You needed to tell him about the phone call  you received. But also because you didn't want to call your brother Kojiro. He would just yell at you for being out so late and for being so clumsy.

All you needed was a little calm before the storm that was about to come.



I feel like this was a little rushed and I apologize for that. Hopefully the next one is better.

Reki x fem! reader: Joe's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now