Ch 1

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Tonight was the night you had waited so long for. You were approaching the gates of S right behind Cherry. Your hood is just enough to cover your hair but allows everyone to look at your mesmerizing e/c eyes, and your mask covering the majority of your face. There was no beef tonight so Cherry thought it would be a good idea to bring you so you could skate down the trail for the first time.

Once inside you were about to part ways with Cherry until a hand on your head stopped you. Quickly turning your head you see Cherry smiling softly down at you "Midnight, be careful out there. But also have a good time little one." You furrowed your brows at him still upset with the use of your long time nickname 'little one'. It was as if Cherry still thought you were five. "Yeah yeah, don't worry about me I'll be fine. I'm more worried about you getting hurt, old man." You sent him a playful wink rushing off before Cherry could scold you for calling him old.

Cherry stood there watching you leave with an irk mark on his forehead. But was snapped out of his anger when a large hand landed on his shoulder. Cherry whipped his head around and his eyes widened at the sight of Joe standing there smirking. He didn't expect Joe to be there tonight which is why he had brought y/n, Joe's little sister, to S tonight. Joe couldn't know y/n was here, so Cherry decided to do the best he could to distract Joe so you could get further away.

"It's not like you to show up here with someone, did you finally get yourself a girlfriend?" Cherry looked at Joe quite shocked that he had seen the little interaction between the two of you. Calmly Cherry replied, "I did no such thing, she is a pupil to me and nothing else. She begged me to teach her to skate, though I did have some reservations in doing so." Joe looked at him suspiciously "She must be someone special then if you took them on. Plus I've only seen you give head pats like that to y/n." He paused thinking about it. Joe never asked your name, "So what's the girl's name anyway?"

Cherry looked over to y/n seeing that she was about to start heading down the trail. He smiled softly at you then turned back to Joe and spoke softly, "She goes by the name Midnight, you wouldn't know her outside of S". Cherry hated lying to Joe about y/n being here and the fact that you were still skating, despite the fact Joe said you weren't allowed to anymore. But skating and Joe were all you had left after your parents died.

When Joe took skating away from y/n it was like you were a different person. A shell of what you used to be. Y/n had stayed with Cherry for 2 weeks because she couldn't look Joe in the eye. That's when you begged Cherry to train you and he reluctantly agreed to it.

But once Cherry saw you back on a skateboard for the first time after your accident, it was like your world lit up again. Y/n couldn't stop smiling, Cherry always saw you as a little sister so when he saw you happy again there was no way he could take that away from you.


A/N: I hope everyone liked this. I'm not very good at writing so I'm doing my best. I'll probably go back and edit everything once I get further into the story. Also I apologize if I don't update this regularly, I work full time and I start College again on Monday. Oh and if you know me in real life, no you do not!   

Reki x fem! reader: Joe's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now