Chapter 20

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I finished the Sports Festival but for some reason it didn't save it all and I don't have a lot of time to write so I'm posting what was saved. Sorry for the inconvenience.

At Tartarus

Saiko and Camie just got off a prison bus to their new home. They were led into the prison but before they could get far someone called for them to stop. Everyone looked behind them, seeing the number 2 and 3 heroes with Incursio,Ilia and Izuku.

Cop 4: Can we help you?

Ilia: You have 2 innocent people, you did not give them a trial or anything. You all just sent them to the most dangerous prison for no reason.

Cop 2: There is video evidence of them doing it. There is no way they are not guilty.

Ryuko: Did you even take a closer look at the videos?

Cop 1: There is nothing wrong with the video so there is no way these 2 are innocent.

Izuku: That's because one of them is using my tech and the other must have an illusion Quirk or something like that.

Cop 1: How do you know this nobody but a select few saw the video..

Izuku: I know everything now releases them.

Cop 1: The answer is still no there is no way im goi...

Cop 3: Sir we just got ordered that these 2 are innocent we need to let them go.

Cop 1: What who told you this?

Cop 3: The higher up did sir.

Cop 1: Fine take their handcuffs off of them. One last thing Izuku is it.

Izuku: Yes that's my name, the entire world knows it.

Cop 1: Whatever. Both of them are blacklisted from all hero schools. Hope you know that.

Saiko/Camie: What but we were proven innocent right now can't they let us back in are schools.

Cop 1: Nope. The principles of your school told us even if you somehow are innocent you can't go back and the other schools agreed to it also.

Saiko/Camie: This can't be happening. We worked so hard to get where we were.

Izuku walked up to the two girls and handed them a piece of paper. They looked at it and could not believe it their dreams were not over for them.

Saiko/Camie: You got us in U.A.

Cop 1: What that can't be they are blacklisted from all hero schools.

Izuku: U.A never agreed to blacklist them and I talked to Nezu about letting them join U.A. when they are proven innocent and he agreed to it.

Cop 1: Just get out of here.

Izuku: Saiko,Camie you will start Monday when the school opens up you both will be in class 1A.

Saiko/Camie: Thank you for doing this for us. We won't let you down.

Izuku: Good by the way I had to send 2 of my classmates to class 1B so you too can be in 1A.

Izuku led the 2 girls to his car to drive them home. Ryuko and Rumi hit a button and entered a portal and left. Incursio just stood there menacingly for 10 minutes before leaving.

With All Might

All Might was in his hospital room face in his hands when Izumi ran in. Izumi was going to say something but when she saw her dad he looked up but his skin never left his hands. Izumi looked in horror. Her dad, the strongest person alive, was in a hospital bed with his skin falling off then it regenerated then fell off again.

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