Chapter 19

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( Sorry it took so long. My laptop is still not working at 100% but it's good enuf.)

With Inko

Inko: That was a great stress relief. So what do you guys what to do now?

Rei: I'm going home to put my new ice sculpture with the others. Fuyumi, are you coming with or staying with them?

Fuyumi: I will stay with Inko.

Rei: Ok. I will see you all back home.

Inko: Alex, Cole, what do you guys want to do?

Cole: I don't know Sasha getting the reaper ready to move over here. Nix is getting her pets ready to come over with the reapers. Kuo with the help of some reapers are packing everything up to move over to your house. So until they get over here I will just hang out with you guys.

Inko: That's good to know. All of the bases I told you about are ready for you to use.

Cole: Thank you for everything Inko.

Inko: No problem Cole. Have you taken care of that little problem back at your old home?

Cole: Delsin and his crew put up a good fight but he was no match for me. When I beat them all I used my Power Transfer Device on all of them. When I got all of their powers I killed them all but Fetch. Sasha turned Fetch into a Reaper Conduit.

Inko: That's good to hear Cole. What about you Alex, what are your plans?

Alex: Like Cole I don't know. Archer and Sabrina are getting the troops ready and some of the Evolved Soldiers ready to come over. Dana and Elizabeth are packing everything up to move over to your house. Inko I never saw your house but can it really hold all of us there?

Inko: We have plenty of room for all of you. We can even have both of your armies there and still have room.

Alex/Cole: How big is your house?

Fuyumi: You will have to just be there to see.

Inko: Fuyumi right you have to be there to believe it. So Alex, have you taken care of your problem back home?

Alex: Heller put up a good fight. He killed a lot of my important Evolved people but Dana, Elizabeth and me killed him when Archer and Sabrina led him to use.

Inko: What did you do to his daughter?

Alex: After I got what I needed from her I killed her. I did not want to do it but after what she saw and what we did to her it was the best option.

Inko: I'm sad to hear about Amaya but you did what you thought was best for her.

Alex/Cole: You changed a lot since the last time we saw each other Inko.

Inko: I learned that when I'm in my villain persona I can't have my heroic heart. It will just get in the way.

Fuyumi: I'm still trying to get used to it. I was never a violent person but when we were in the U.S.J it was like I was a totally different person.

Inko: With training you will be able to switch from your villain persona and your normal self at will.

Inko and Fuyumi hit a button and they changed into their civilian clothes. Inko throws a jacket and sunglasses at Alex and a hat and sunglasses at Cole.

Cole: What are these for?

Inko: They are your disguises.

Alex: How are these disguises? They don't even change anything about us.

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