Chapter 18

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With Inko

Inko: Hey Rei, do you have any plans for Monday.

Rei: No, I'm free that day. Do you need my help for something?

Inko: Monday class 1-A and B are going to the U.S.J. with All Might,Thirteen and Eraser Head. I asked for that day off.

Rei: Is Miss Dawnbreaker going to make an appearance at the U.S.J.

Inko: I hate how the news calls me that but yes she is and she was wondering if Killer Frost will join her there.

Rei: She would love to join you now why don't you call your corrupted ring to you.

Inko:(smiling) With darkness black, I choke the light! No brightest day escapes my sight! I turn the dawn to midnight! Beware my power Dawnbreaker's might!

A corrupted green ring flew into Inko's hand. When she put it on, a dark green glow covered her. Rei smiled at this as her skin turned blue and her hair turned to ice.

Izuku few minutes earlier

Izuku called all of his classmates' parents to see if they could stay at his house to train Saturday and Sunday and they all agreed. Ojiro was training with Hanzo and Mun-dee. Kendo was training with Tavish and Genji. Setsuna was training with Ana and Widowmaker. Kinoko was training with Dell and Symmetra. Ochako was training with Mei and pyro. Izuku was going to continue pairing everyone with someone but his chest started to glow and a ring flew out of him. Izuku smiled seeing what ring came out of him and he told Tsuyu to continue pairing everyone with someone that can help them. Izuku walked to his mother's room and knocked on the door and entered when told he could. Izuku smiled seeing his mom and Rei in their villain personas.

Izuku: It's been awhile since I saw those outfits on you 2.

Rei: Well the last time the world saw us was a year ago.

Izuku: So what are you 2 going to do. The last time you 2 were in your villain outfits you destroyed Endeavor,Hawks,Kamui Woods,Death Arms, All Might and many more hero Agencies.

Inko: I asked for Monday off so I can drop by the U.S.J to have a talk with All Might. I asked Rei if she wanted to come with me and she said yes.

Izuku: That's nice and just to let you 2 know there are going to be some other people going for the same reason.

As Izuku was talking to his mom and Rei, someone knocked on the door. Izuku opened the door seeing Fuyumi holding Eri. Fuyumi was smiling until she saw 2 of the most dangerous people in front of her. Eri ran up to Rei telling her how cool she looks and if she can make her a snow cone. Rei made a snow cone for Eri then walked to Fuyumi who was walking backwards. Rei was confused why her daughter was scared intel she renamed she's in her villain outfits. Rei changed back to her normal form and Inko did the same thing. When Fuyumi saw 2 of the most dangerous people turn into her mom and the number 1 hero she fainted.

Eri:(Eating her snow cone) I will call Angela.

Izuku: You don't nee... when did you get a phone.

Eri: Momo made it for me. Melissa upgraded it for me. Jiro put a ton of music on it. Toga somehow made it able to turn into a gun. Ibara and Tsuyu made it scratch proof and waterproof.

Izuku: I'm surprised Melissa did not make it waterproof. But back on track you don't need to call Angela.

Fuyumi got up and grabbed Izuku Lifting him up. Izuku was surprised by this but did nothing.

Fuyumi: Izuku, what is going on. Why were our moms villains a second ago?

Izuku: Everyone has a dark side, Fuyumi. If you don't let it out every now and then something bad will happen. I can see you have a lot of anger,rage and other bad emotions all bottled up If you don't do anything soon smoothing bad will happen.

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