Part 8:Could This Be Love? (i)Ryu

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-At school- Yuki:Hi,Ayane. (Ayane,Yuki's best friend. They have known each other since their childhood days) Ayane:What's up,Yuki? Did you have fun that day? Yuki:Huh? What day? Ayane:Oops. It's nothing. Forget it. Yuki:Ehhh? What is it you want to tell me? Ayane: Just forget it,Yuki. It's really nothing. Yuki:Okay then...

-That day when Ryu talked with Tomoe (continuation)- No. He can't. Tomoe:See ya,Ryu. (Tomoe walks out of the room. Ryu do I say it? He felt angry and wanted to beat up Tomoe at the same time. It's that kind of feeling you know? The feeling when you're angry and shocked at the same time. Well,kind of. :) Even if he is Ryu's friend...) What is this feeling? Ugh!!

-At Ryu's house- What's wrong with me? Am I...? Could it be? No... *sigh* I'll think about it next time. I don't want want to think too much about it. (Ryu is currently working right now. After a while...) Ryu:Yuki,take these! Eh? (Ryu was surprised by his own saying,covering his mouth. His parents looked at him wondering who it was but didn't ask him anything. Fortunate for him,I guess) Get a grip,Ryu. Why are you still thinking about her? I've never felt like this before. (His heart starts beating fast. He holds his chest where the heart is beating. He smiled) I is true.

True that I love her. That I've fallen in love with Yuki. I've realised that now.

-At school(in Yuki's classroom)- Yuki:It's been a week since I last talked with senpai. Ayane: Haha. So you're saying that you miss him? Yuki:What did you say? •_• Ayane:No. I didn't say anything. (One of the students called out Ayane because someone wanted to see her. She was talking with Yuki just now. Yuki wondered who it was so she approached Ayane closer,but not too close. Otherwise,she would be called a busybody. Ain't it? She couldn't hear what they were talking about. But the person that wanted to see Ayane sounds familiar. She saw and it was...) Yuki:Ryu-senpai? What is he doing here? To see Ayane? Why? And not me? What about the sports club's activities? Why did he go and meet Ayane instead of me? :( (She returned to her original seat feeling a bit disappointed)

Ayane:Hi senpai. Ryu:Hi. I came by to say thank you. You know,for the information. Ayane:He problem. Ryu:Here. It's for you. (Ryu hands out a small box to Ayane. Wonder what's inside) Ayane:Thank you,senpai. I'll help you again next time. Just remember to give these as a payment. ^^ Ryu:Okay, Ayane. Next time I'll ask you more. Yuki:Look at that. He even gave her a present. (By chance,he spotted Yuki who was looking at them talking. He waved hi to Yuki.^^ She waved at him back but she just put on a fake smile which was obvious on her face. Ryu looked a bit hurt because he knew it was a fake smile)
Look at them. Smiling so sweetly. Senpai...

*ringgg* (School is over. Yuki headed to the sports department room. It is where she can relax and rest. The atmosphere in that room is like in a library. It's peaceful and cozy. Yuki sat down on one of the chairs. She puts her head down on the table and looked out at the window which is the opposite of the entrance door. If you look at the window,you won't know who is coming inside)

*Sigghhh....* I want to sleep. (As she closed her eyes,someone called her name. She was surprised. She stood up and looked at her left where the door is. It was Ryu) Senpai...why are you here when I want you to be away? (Ryu realised a look that was being shown by Yuki. It was as if she didn't want to see him. He knew that. Then approached Yuki and sat next to her with this concerned face) Ryu:Yuki,is there something wrong? Did I do something? Yuki:Huh? Something? (She paused for a while then continued) No. You didn't do anything wrong,senpai. Ryu:Really? Yuki:Yeah. I'm fine. See? ^_^

(Ryu didn't say a word. He just smiled a little) Yuki:By the way,when are you going to cook something for me? I should just change the topic shouldn't I? It's for the best right now. Ryu:Oh...well,when I'm free I can make something up for you. Maybe next week? Yuki:Okay!

-The following week- (Tomoe was walking down the hallway when he saw Yuki,he went to talk with Yuki) Tomoe:Hi Yuki! ^^ Yuki:Eh? Senpai? Are you talking to me? Tomoe:Yeah. Who else? There's no one else here besides you and I. (Yuki looks around to see maybe Tomoe was joking around. She finds it weird for Tomoe to be talking with her because they're not even close. Tomoe is just a friend of Ryu's she thought) Why does he want to talk to me suddenly?

Tomoe:Are you free this evening? Yuki:Ermm...I don't think so. I have to go somewhere later. Tomoe:Oh. Okay then. By the way,I saw you at the Star Amusement Park the other day. Why were you alone? Yuki:This guy. Seriously. Why does he want to know? But...I didn't know he was there too. I didn't see him. Err....I just wanted to be alone. He he...I guess. (Actually,Tomoe knew about the whole thing but he didn't say anything but laugh) Tomoe:Hahaha...I see. Well,see you next time Yuki. I have to go. Bye. Yuki:Bye.

Ryu:Hi,Yuki. Glad you made it. (Ryu was waiting for her at the Star Amusement Park again. It was because he promised to cook something for Yuki. He was only able to do it there) Yuki:Hi senpai. (She looks around his food stall. There seems to be no one there to help Ryu) Yuki: Are you alone? Isn't your sister helping you out? Ryu:Err...she went out. She helped me earlier but now she went somewhere. (Yuki nods her head) So now we're alone again,huh? (Ryu gives the food to Yuki. It was also one of her other favourite foods. How did he know about it? Hmm...)

Yuki:Thanks,senpai! *Itadakimasu. [In Japan,it is said before eating] (She begins to eat) Ryu:How does it taste? Yuki:It tastes so good! How do you cook this? Why is it so good? Ryu:Maybe it's because I made it with love? Haha... (Yuki froze for a while. Not saying anything but her face became flushed. Ryu didn't realise it because it was a bit dark at the park that time. Besides,they were inside the stall so there are shades so it's kind of dark) Ryu:You know,if you want me to I could teach you. Yuki:*Hontouni?[*Really?] Ryu:Yeah. If you want to,that is. Yuki:Yes! I want. When can we begin? Day after tomorrow? Ryu:Mmm...yes. We can begin the day after tomorrow. In the afternoon. Where do you want us to learn? Yuki:If it's alright with you,you can come to my house. Ryu:Her house? Err...I..I guess I can. I don't...really mind going.

-To be continued in part 9-

Thank you,readers! :)

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