Part 5:The Second Time

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Sensei:Both of you and also the other sport members will have to stay in school longer because you have to pick the days of the practice.

(After the discussion about the interschool competition for sports ended,Kou and Yuki were asked to leave the room) Everyday,huh? Although sensei said that the practice has to be at least three days a week but...  (Kou called her name because she was just standing there) Yuki:Huh?(Yuki turned around and looked at Kou) Yuki:What is it? Kou:Nothing. It's just that you were spacing out just now. You okay? Yuki:Yeah. I'm fine. (Both of them were still standing there,unknowingly what to do) (Actually,Kou is also still standing there with Yuki)

Kou:I forgot to ask you something. What club are you in? Yuki:Eh? The track and field club. Why? Kou:Nothing. I just want to know that's all. Yuki:Okay. Kou:I'll get going now. (Kou said goodbye to her and smiled while saying it. Yuki also went back to her classroom and the school day continues)

(When it was time to go home,Yuki had to stay at school for the sport members meeting and of course,Kou was also there as he is the head of the sports department) Kou:Hello. My name is Kou. This is my assistant Yuki. Yuki:It's a pleasure to meet all of you. (After a while,the meeting ended)

(Only Kou and Yuki were the one still left behind. The others left earlier. This was because the both of them had to settle some papers) What's with this awkward silence again? Kou:Yuki,you can go home now. I'm a bit of a hurry here. I'll carry these and give it to sensei. Yuki:Huh? But-  Kou:It's okay. If you were to go with me I'll be talking to you. I'm really in a hurry so... Yuki:Okay,I get it. Thanks. Bye then. Kou:Yeah. Bye. (Yuki left the school premises and went home)

-Yuki's house-  Shouko:Onee-san! You said you would play with me at the playground just now. Yuki:Sorry Shouko. I had to stay at school longer just now because of a meeting. Buuut...I can play with you tomorrow. Shouko:Yay!! Mom:Yuki,can you do a fovour for me? Yuki:Sure. Mom:Go and buy some food at the night market. The one that you bought from last time was tasty. Please buy it from there. Here's the money. Yuki:Okay. I'll be going now. (Yuki leaves her house and went to the night market)

-At the market-  Hmm...what food should I buy? Yuki. Who's calling me? Yuki! (Yuki looked at the direction to who called her) Yuki:Ah. Senpai! Kou:Hi Yuki. (Kou smiled,happy to see her) Yuki:What's up? Kou:Nothing. It's just that because I was happy to see a familiar face. Hehe... Yuki:Oh. That's just not like him. Umm... I would like to have these. Kou:Sure thing. (Kou wraps the foods Yuki wanted to buy. He hands it to her and Yuki gave the money) Yuki:I'll see you tomorrow then. (The both of them said goodbye to each other then Yuki went back home)

-Yuki's house-  (Her family ate dinner a while ago and now Yuki is in her room) Kou-senpai looked really different just now. At school he looks cool but...just now,he looks a bit like a girl and...kind of cute. (Yuki giggled. She realised that he was thinking of him. She shook her head) What was that again? Why do I keep thinking of him? That time too... Ugghhh...stop! I have to get to sleep.

-At school- Sensei:Both of you have to list down the names of the people participating in the competition later. (Kou and Yuki leaves the room) Why do we have to get all the names? I know,I know I'm the assistant but still... Kou:Let's go Yuki. (Yuki follows Kou to the different classes to check the names)

-In one of the classes-  Kou:Excuse me,does any one of you wants to join the competition? Students:Yes! Kou:Please write down your names here. See? He looks different from when he was last night. He looks cool and charismatic in school. (Without Yuki realizing,she showed a small smile on her face and was still staring at Kou) *dub* *dab* (There was sounds of Yuki's heart beating fast) Heart,what's wrong with you? (Yuki puts her hands on her chest) Why are you beating so fast? (She looked at Kou) *dub* *dab* (But her heart keeps beating faster than earlier) What is this? (He turns and looks at Yuki) Kou: ? What is it? (Yuki realises about her staring at Kou) Yuki:Eh? N-nothing. (Looks away because she was flushed) Kou:Is that so? ... Well,let's get going then. (By the end of the day,they finished taking down the names of the participants)

Yuki:Whew! Good thing it was done smoothly. Kou:Yeah. (Yuki's heart starts to race) Oh really are stubborn. Stop beating so fast,heart! Why is it?! Kou:Yuki? Yuki:Y-yes? Kou:What's wrong? You were spaced out there for a while. Yuki:Umm...n-nothing's wrong. I'm fine. Kou:Okay then.

Part 6 is coming soon! Thanks dear readers for still continuing to read my story. Please wait :)

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