Chapter Fifteen: Jemma

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MAJOR PLOT TWIST! Also, remember this is a xocx, so ther'll be TWO love intrests. Here's the list;

-Tamaki- 7/10

Xoxo Luci

I open my eyes and rush to sit up in my bed. The sweat from my face drips onto my blankets. "What the actual hell?" I pant. I rub my head and lay back down. I had a nightmare where I was in my room and I was in the same state I am in now. I heard a crash from the downstairs and I got up to check it out. Just when I was climbing down the stairs, a hand went around my mouth and I fell of the railing.

That's when I woke up. Just as I'm getting tired again, a crash is heard from downstairs. "Oh my God..." I whisper. I clutch the covers up to my chest. Is this just another dream? I don't know. Better safe than sorry, right? I pick up my phone and call the police. I would've called Tamaki, but I'm smarter than that.

"911, what's your emergency?" The voice says.

"I think there's someone in my house. It's ___ _________" I whispered. Stomping feet can be heard from the stairs. I gulp and a tear slips down cheek. "I'm going to die..."

"We're on our way." The police hangs up and I'm sitting there with the phone still up to my ear. The stomping gets closer, then it stops. The doorknob turns. It swings open.

The figure walks closer to me, something in their hand. "H-hello?" I whisper. No response. The police alarms blare, signaling their here. Who ever this person is, was not fazed. "Hello?" I repeated to the figure that is leaning over me.

"I found you." I assume, he whispers in my ear and then crashes out my window. I try catching my breath and the police storm in.

They put stuff in my room and leave. A woman officer stays back. "Hold on." She waves the other police officers off. "You're the girl who lost her mother?" I nod slowly. "Is your father home?" I shake my head slowly. "Where is he, sweetie?" She asks as if I'm a baby.

"Gone." I whisper, but I don't show weakness, my cold expression stands.

"He passed?" I can tell she pitys me. I shake my head and she gets frustrated. "Then where is he?"

"He abandoned us." I say and stand up and start walking down the stairs and she grabs my arm.

"Is there anybody here?" She asks.

"Me." I keep walking towards the kitchen.

"No guardian?" I shake my head.

"I already said that."

"Then either we send you to an orphanage or we have to send your father back into the residence." My eyes widened.

"Orphanage." I said, panicked, but cool.

"That's up to your father." She pats my shoulder and leaves. I sigh and get a pop tart and eat it.

"Stupid cops." I say.


I sigh and wake up to the blinding light. My eyes adjust to the morning sun and I sit up and stretch. A knock on the door alarms me, but I open the door and make my way to the stairs. Another knock. "I'M COMING!" I screamed.

I opened the door and in stepped a man. "Mhm."

"Who the fuck are you?" I ask calmly.

"Your father." He stops walking and I keep my cold expression with my arms crossed. "Oh, and don't use that language."

"So, father, did you hear? Mom died." He nods his head. I roll my eyes and walk upstairs. 'Great. Livin' like Larry.'

I got dressed in a black sweater with a black tank top underneath. I put some black shorts on and finished the outfit with my converse. Dad knocks on the door. Before I could open it, he barges in. "Mhm. No." He says and throws a yellow thing at me.

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