Chapter Seven: No Van, Just a Limo, Candy? No.

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He calls the mansion a house but a tomb, he's always choking from the stench and fume.

My Chemical Romance- To the End (Song) Rip, I cri every time.

"So, there's this club, called the Host Club, and they want me to join," I start, "but it's an all boys, one girl, club, and there's this cute boy, and..." She cuts me off with a mischievous smirk. "A boy you say?" I smile and wave my hands. "No, no! Forget I said anything." I take a glance at the clock. "Well, visiting hours are over, bye mom." I sniff. "Bye honey, see you tomorrow?" I nod and leave the hospital.

I finally reach the exit of this wretched hospital, when, someone comes in, hitting me in the face with the door. (The doors are made of glass, but guess who those idiots are who didn't see her?)

I fall backwards and land on my butt. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU MEANIE MUNCH!" I scream. "Shh!" Says a hospital lady, I roll my eyes. "Sorry princess." The man starts, but I know who it was, now it's clear, since he hit me with a door.

But then I remembered, my hood is off. I cover my eyes and run out the door. 'That was close.' "Wait, princess, where are you going?" Tamaki yells after me, but I keep running.

Tamaki's Pov:

"Yes, I'm sure this is the right hos-" I was cut off my a thud. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU MEANIE MUNCH!" A girl, I assume yelled. "Sorry princess," I started, but she just covered her eyes, which I never got to see, and ran off. " I re-open the door, and see the girl running off, "Wait, princess, where are you going?"  I yelled after her, and she kept running.

"We should go." Kaoru said with a blank face. I pouted, "Fine, let's go."

Red's Pov:

I kept running, and I looked back, uncovering my eyes. "Hi!" A little boy shouts. I look up, my hair veiling my face. "Oh, hi." His mom comes after her boy, picking him up, guess she saw me. I sigh and keep going. 

3rd Person Pov:

Red keeps walking as fast as her little legs can take her. She starts humming a tune, then sings it, for her, it's a bad habit. "I'm coming home, I'm coming home, tell the world I'm coming home." She was about to sing more when two certain ginger-haired twins bumped into her. "Second time today." She muttered, so no one could hear.

"It's the girl." Hikaru whispers to his brother. "You're right." Kaoru, Hikaru's twin brother whispers back. Red quickly rummages through her bag and took out her hood. Hikaru was about to snatch it from her when Kaoru stepped in and grabbed his wrist. 

Still on the floor, Red put her hood on, and walked off. "Inconsiderate jerks." She muttered. 

Red's Pov:

When I got home, I called out to mom, with no answer, I remembered what happened. I fight back a tear, and I won. 

I climb the long staircase to my room. I look down at every step I take. I walk the also long hallway, to the end. Where my room is.

Every time I take a step, it seems the hallway is getting longer. I put my hand on the wall, trying to balance myself. I hear a smash and look down. I broke a vase. I sigh and keep walking, dizzy. I reach my doorknob and slowly open the door, almost collapsing on the floor. 

I stumble to my bed, where the IPhone that I got to my visit to America lay. I fall onto my bed, still awake, and look through my songs. I pick one and I listen to it through my in-the-ear earphones.

The music starts and I sing along;

He calls the mansion, not a house, but a tomb.

He's always choking from the stench and fumes.

The wedding part collapsed in the room,

So send my resignation to the bride and the groom.

I was about to sing more, when I hear a knock on the door. "Now what is it." I exit my room and my dizziness, I have my hood in hand and look through the hallway window, that's on the other side of the hallway, a long walk.

The host club. I roll my eyes. 'Who else would visit me?' I adjust my hood and open the door. "Welcome to our residence, what do you want?" I say in a mono toned voice, acting like I didn't know who it was. "What residence may this be?" Four eyes tried to trick me. 

"You can't trick me into tell you, four eyes." I smirked at the last part and closed the door. Well, about to, then a foot got in the way. "Get you damn foot out of the way." I look up, without my head moving, and see Tamaki holding the door. "You know, that's almost breaking in my house." I said with my mono toned voice, again. 

He pouted, and out of nowhere, he disappeared. I closed the door and went to the closet. There he was, planting mushrooms. "Planning on smoking those later?" I amusingly said. He and his mushrooms were gone. Then, I remembered. 

A pair of hands grabbed my shoulders and dragged me out into a limo. 'Forgot to lock the door.' Another pair of hands removed my hood, but my eyes were closed, you know, since my hands were'nt available. "Open your eyes." A voice, I think that belongs to Honey said. "No."

"Pleaaseeeee!" The twins said together. "No." I repeated. I can feel their pouts, and I smiled at that, not a cute, friendly smile, but a mean and cruel one. "Well, if it has to come to this..."

Someone licked me. SOMEONE JUST L;LICKED ME! "WHO IS THE MOTHER FLUFFER RESPONSIBLE FOR LICKING ME!" I screamed. I was definitely disgusted, but I didn't give in. 

"Language!" Tamaki screamed, then thud! he no doubtedly passed out. I reached into the pocket of my leather jacket and pulled out my pocket knife, honestly, I couldn't give a (bleep) about their window.

I jammed the knife into the window and felt around. "Hey!" Hikaru yelled. I shrugged and grabbed my hood back and crawled out the window.

(A/N) YES, SHE DID THIS WHILE CLOSING HER EYES, but she took a special blind class just in case her eyes left her blind.

         Hey my Unicarls! I'm sooooo sorry I forgot I fnished this chapter! ^Mentally face palms into a wall^ Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Stay perfect!

        -Xoxo Luci

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