12 - Against the Wall

267 15 3

TW/CW - Kidnapping implication, violence implication, threats

human AU per the course


"What have you done with him?!"

The blade of the sword pressed against Nightmare's neck, not enough to draw blood, but any attempt to move away would cause the weapon to draw blood.

Nightmare ground his teeth together as sweat dripped down his forehead. His fingers dug into the brick wall behind him, keeping his chin up.

Getting out of the situation would be easy. He knew he wasn't in any actual real danger, especially considering who his attached was.

It would take a split second for him to disarm and have Blue pinned against the floor, his wrists trapped behind his back.

However, he would keep up the illusion of helplessness. Letting Blue have the upper hand was much more interesting.

Nightmare couldn't remember a time when Blue had ever gone on the offensive. He was never the type to strike first; always finishing fights and never starting them.

And yet, here he was. He had broken into the castle, and was now holding Nightmare at blade-point.

Needless to say, Nightmare was curious. What had caused Blue to do something so horrendously out of character?

"Done with who, exactly?"

"You know exactly who!" Blue cried, his hand gripping onto the collar of Nightmare's shirt. "Where is he?!"

"I promise you I don't-"

"Liar!" He sputtered, his grip on his sword wavering. Nightmare finally saw how much of a wreck he was. Eye bags under his pretty eyes, his clothes messy, and his curly hair a mess. Something had happened. "Dream's missing and you have him!

"You-" Blue sobbed, collapsing into Nightmare in exhaustion. His sword clattered to the ground as he spoke. "You have to have him! Where else would he be?"

Nightmare paused, eyes squinting as he helped Blue to his feet. "What do you mean he's missing? What happened?"

"Fuck- Fuck you!" Blue shouted, standing up and once more grabbing his sword, once more pointing it to Nightmare's neck. Although, the anger was dispersing from him "Where is he?"

"I didn't take him. But," Nightmare held his hands up, pushing the sword away from him. "If you tell me what happened, maybe I could help you."

"I don't need your help." Blue spat, putting his sword into his sheath. "If he's not here, then so be it."

Blue turned to leave before Nightmare grabbed him by his arm, turning him around. This time, it was Nightmare who pinned Blue against the wall, holding him by his shoulders.

"Oh no, you can't leave just yet." Nightmare hissed, "What happened?"

"Why do you care? Last time I checked, you've done nothing but try to maim him!"

"Because, you little shit," Nightmare felt a bead of sweat go down the back of his neck. He kept a straight face, expertly hiding his nervousness. "His life is attached to mine. If he goes, I go, and if he's in danger, then I need to know about it."


"So, start talking."

"...He went out on a mission, you know how he does, he just goes out and helps people, and he hasn't come back."

"And how do you know he's missing?"

"I found his bike, Nightmare." He whispered, voice cracking slightly.

"His bike?"

"His motorcycle. He would never leave his motorcycle unattended for long, much less in an alleyway! That thing is like his wife, he'd never leave it alone for long. It was scuffed and he'd never let that happen!

"His motorcycle must've- it must've been dragged off of the road by someone, I don't know, but I found it and not him and I don't know what happened, or where he is or if he's even okay, and I'm so worried and I-"

"Shh." Nightmare put his thumb against Blue's lips, cupping his jaw with his other fingers. "Shh shh shh. I need you calm down. Was there any sign of anything, and I mean anything, about where his motorcycle is?"

"Was. I moved it back into the garage when I found it...it's what he would've wanted." Blue sighed, wiping the tears forming in the corners of his eyes. "But, to answer your question...no. I didn't see anything. It was just an alleyway, nothing was in it."

"Hm. The first thing we're going to do is go back there. You likely missed something, not like I blame you. Some villain groups use particularly hidden symbols for show their activity, so-"

"I-I'm sorry, hold on. What? We?"

"But of course. Who knows what sort of bastard got their hands on him?" Nightmare's hand wrapped around Blue's chin, tilting his face up. "I'm not sending you on a suicide mission, Blue."

"You're not doing anything, because I'm not doing this with you!" Blue grabbed Nightmare's hand and yanked it away from his face. "I don't trust you, and there's no way in hell I'm letting you get anywhere close to Dream!"

"I don't care if you don't trust me or not, we are working towards a common goal. You need my help."

"I don't need anything from you."

Nightmare sighed, grabbing Blue by his wrists and pressing his back against the wall. "Then so be it. I'm going to give you a choice. You can either wait in a cell for me to get back, or you can help me get him back."

"No, you can't just-"

A hand was clamped over his mouth.

"Remember where you are and who you're dealing with. You're lucky I didn't break your neck the moment you threatened me."

Blue's eyes widened in fear and Nightmare felt bad for a split second. There was an art to intimidation and causing fear, and Nightmare had yet to figure out the gentle balance.

Gently, he removed his hand, tilting his chin upward. "Do you want to find Dream? Make sure he's safe?"


"Then help me help you. You don't have to trust me, but we have a common goal. It'd be easier for the both of us if we worked together, no?"

"...I guess."

"Glad to know that we are on the same page." Nightmare let go of his face, smiling sweetly. Blue nodded, crossing his arms. "Let's make sure that idiot doesn't get himself killed, hm?"

That got a wryly smile from Blue as he shook Nightmare's hand.



not the most romantic based but I wanted to do smth less predictable <3

Hope y'all liked it anyway


1082 Words

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