10 - Hurt

425 25 3

CW/TW - Wounds, blood, abandonment


"Stop- STOP! Get your hands off of me!" Blue shouted, head throbbing and heart pounding in his chest. "I can fix it on my own! You're only going to make it worse! STOP IT!"

"Sure." Nightmare commented, voice completely void of emotion. He continued to manhandle Blue, who was desperately trying to writhe out of his arms.

"I'm serious! You're hurting me! Stop!"

"You are hurting yourself. Stop fighting me and you'll feel better."

"Ple-Please," Blue's voice broke and delirious sobs spilled from his mouth. "Stop it, just let me go, I'll do whatever you want, please, please, stop hurting me."

Although Blue's begging was endearing, as it always was, Nightmare didn't stop. He couldn't, not with the threat of Blue bleeding out.

Luckily for Nightmare, the hero's exhaustion had caught up to him. While Blue still sobbed and gasped for air, he no longer could fight back. All of his energy was being put into staying awake and fighting the mass amount of pain he was in.

Nightmare gently pulled Blue onto his lap, being very slow and precise with his actions. Any sudden movements could make wounds worse.

If this was the most ideal situation, then Blue would be on the bed, passed out, and Nightmare could treat his wounds easily.

However, life was notorious for denying Nightmare what he wanted. Blue had been on the bed in the medical center initially. However, once he had gained a little bit of consciousness, he had begun to claw at and fight Nightmare with all the strength that he had.

So now the two were on the floor and Nightmare had finally begun to care for Blue's wounds. Albeit wounds he caused, but that wasn't relevant right now.

What was relevant, however, was the fact that despite the number of injuries he suffered from, Dream had left him. Dream and Ink had left him on the street full of debris and danger to die.

Nightmare had seen it.

He had watched Dream and Ink inspect Blue's helpless body. A leg twisted in the wrong direction, warm red blood seeping into the dirt.

And then leave him there.

Unconscious and bleeding.

You'll have to forgive Nightmare for getting upset and taking Blue without hesitation.

Never would he leave his boys bleeding out in the street, and he most certainly wouldn't leave them there. To bleed out without anyone there with you was a fate that Nightmare wouldn't allow to happen.

"Shhh..." He cooed, very softly, "Just breathe, I've got you."

There was a slight stinging pain as Nightmare cleaned out the wounds with rubbing alcohol. Blue hissed, teeth grinding as he did so. Once the wounds were clean, he began to clean up the blood around the wounds.

The bleeding had begun to slow down, but not all the way. He got rid of any dried-up blood and placed a thick, wet cloth against all of the wounds before putting patches against all of them.

When the bleeding stops, he'll wrap some gauze around the wounds.

"There we are." He slipped Blue's shirt back down. Some final tears slipped from Blue's face and down his cheeks before falling into an uncomfortable slumber. "And out you go."

"Hm." Nightmare scooped up his body and set him back down on the medical bed. His head rolled to the side, and Nightmare tucked him into the thin, white, sheet. He couldn't stop himself as his hand slipped down and stroked Blue's head.

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