04 - First

734 32 5

hahaha I totally forgot this existed

Ah well I'm back

CW - Alcohol consumption


Blue knew dating Nightmare was going to be slow. With Nightmare's reserved nature and him unmeaningly drifting away from people made it difficult for Blue to develop a relationship with him in the first place.

When the Star Squad and Error moved into the castle, Blue could tell almost immediately that the number of people made Nightmare anxious. A brief conversation with Killer and simply watching Nightmare go about his day told Blue all that he needed to know.

Nightmare enjoyed his time alone and the quiet, and he didn't get it all that often.

He and Blue had already gotten along well in the past when Blue would be kidnapped and their banter was some of the most fun Blue would have in a week.

So, when Blue started bringing Nightmare tea and meals when he would coop himself up in his office, it wasn't a surprise.

His visits were short, at first. He was sure to knock and ask to come in, and he would just leave what he had brought on Nightmare's desk and then leave.

But then, Nightmare would start conversations, and his visits would get longer and longer until Nightmare asked if he wanted to go steady.

He was ecstatic and his answer was a more than enthusiastic yes!

They were dating, if you could even call it that. Blue was touch starved, everyone and their mother knew that, and yet Nightmare was never the touchy or lovey type.

It wasn't intentional, of course, that was just who they were.

Things were moving slowly but never stopping. Nightmare took him to an opera a few days ago, and held his hand almost the entire time!

Blue wanted to cry.

They hadn't kissed yet though, which was what Blue yearned for. Blue would never force Nightmare to do that, though. If things were going to be slow, then let them be slow. Blue just had to be patient.

Blue walked up to the office door and before he could even knock, Nightmare called him in. He was surprised but wasn't complaining.

He opened one of the doors and entered, closing it behind him. Nightmare was at his desk, scribbling away with a quill. Nightmare called him over with a wave of his hand, and Blue gladly obliged.

Blue leaned against Nightmare's shoulder, running his hand up and down Nightmare's right arm. He scanned the paper he was reading and frowned.

"It's in Spanish, you won't understand it."

"Well can you at least tell me what exactly it is you're signing on?"

Nightmare pinched his nose playfully, "And why should I tell you that?"

"Because I have...boyfriend privileges?"

Nightmare rolled his eyes but still didn't tell Blue what the contents of the paper were. Blue looked over Nightmare's shoulder, the language absolutely foreign to him.

Nightmare finished the page and put it in his finished file. He pulled out another paper, this one in English, and Blue began to skim over it.

He couldn't get much information from it because Nightmare had grabbed his chin and yanked him close.

Blue flushed deeply, struggling to keep the intense eye contact between them.


"You amuse me." Nightmare told him, his eyes drifting down to Blue's lips.

30 day OTP Challenge - NightblueOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora