08 - Domestic

677 20 4

CW/TW - implied kidnapping, forced relationship (???)


"Isn't this nice, hm? We so rarely get to have dinner together. I'm always busy and I do apologize, but running a kingdom is no easy task." Nightmare spoke, twirling the pasta with his fork.

He took a bite of the pasta. "You're quiet tonight. Usually, you have so much to say! Do you want to talk about it, darling?"

Blue averted eyes.

"Well if you insist. I would just hate to make you do something you didn't want to."

The pasta was pici pasta. Thick, hand-made, strand noodles. He had made sure to get only the finest, carefully, perfectly crafted pasta for tonight's dinner. With an expensive sauce that would give the world's best chefs a run for their money, and lots of seasoning made it the perfect dinner.

Paired with a glass of white wine, the meal was complete.

"I'm so glad we get to have such, calm, domestic moments like this my love. With how crazy the multiverse can get, it's nice to just have a day where we can eat dinner together. It's nice."

He took a bite of his pasta before taking a swig of wine. His eyes darted over the man sitting across from him.

"Oh, my love, you haven't touched your food. Are you sure that you're alright?" Despite the tone in his voice, a vile smile grew on his face.

Blue responded with only silence.

"Hmm. Well, I need you to eat. Mortals don't last very long when they aren't fed, but if you aren't going to do it on your own..." Nightmare set his fork down and stood up, the chair squeaking on the wooden floor as he pushed it away.

"I'll just do it for you! Having to rely on me for everything is exhilarating, isn't it? I bet you just love being cared for." Nightmare chuckled, dark and cruel.

Blue squirmed as Nightmare approached him, eyes darting around; helpless.

Once Nightmare reached the other end of the table, he smiled. It was a cruel, sharpened smile. Foreboding.

Goosebumps appeared along Blue's arm as Nightmare caressed his face. He paused when his hand reached the gag that had been shoved in Blue's mouth. He trailed it and then ran his finger over his lips.

Nightmare pulled Blue's face over to him, and gently kissed his cheek. He then removed the gag from Blue's mouth.

Much to his surprise, Blue didn't immediately attempt to bite his hand off or mouth him off. Not even a month ago, Blue would be screaming at him, telling him to off himself, and other crude things.

"Here, I bet you're hungry." Nightmare pulled a chair over to himself and sat down. He twirled some pasta with Blue's fork, watching him carefully.

Blue's wrists weren't bruised yet, despite the handcuffs keeping his hands attached to the chair arms.

"You're adorable, my darling." He held up the fork to Blue, who hesitantly complied, eating it.

"Isn't this fun?" Nightmare asked, scooping up more pasta. "We're far from normal but this makes me feel like perhaps we could be a normal couple. No magic...no immortality, just us, together."

"That won't ever happen," Blue spat out before taking the next bite that Nightmare offered him.

Nightmare's smile dropped, and he grabbed Blue's face, nails digging into his soft skin, "Do not ruin this for me."

Blue felt like sobbing but he choked it down. He just nodded and Nightmare sat back, his smooth moment almost snake-like.

"I..." Blue paused, waiting for a sign from Nightmare that he wasn't allowed to speak. He didn't get one. "I...also enjoy being domestic. With you."

Nightmare smiled and petted Blue's head, twirling his soft curly hair in between his fingers. "You're a good boy, you know that?"

Blue couldn't stop the heat rising to his cheeks as he was praised and touched. He looked away, unable to hide how flustered he was getting.

"You're adorable. And I would continue praising you, but we have a meal to finish, don't we?"


"Is it good? I made it especially for you."

"Yes! Yes, it's good."

Nightmare smiled, uncharacteristically pleased, which was unnerving. He fed Blue another bite, who took it gratefully.

Soon, Blue would have no need for restraints. He would willingly come to dinner, and not fight Nightmare every single time.

Nightmare wiped some sauce off of Blue's lips. Soon...Nightmare couldn't wait.


Not super proud of this but whatever


750 Words

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