01 - Selfie

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This has two stories, as I had two ideas for this prompt.

CW (for the second story) - Suggestive themes, sexual innuendos


Blue swung their arms back and forth and they walked along the beach, his fingers intertwined with Nightmare's.

It was low tide, and the sun was setting, its beautiful colors shining over the mountains and pooling into the ocean.

The water went back and forth over their feet, the footprints they left behind slowly disappearing with every wave the ocean splashed onto the beach.

"It's beautiful, don't you think?"

"What is?"

"The sunset, obviously."

"My apologies, I suppose that it is quite a lovely sight, but I much prefer looking at you." Nightmare pressed a kiss to Blue's cheek, "You don't hurt my eyes."

Blue rolled his eyes but enjoyed the compliment anyway.

The two continued walked until a dock came into view. And Blue got an idea. His ideas were more often than not, bad ideas, but not this one!

Blue grasped Nightmare's hand tighter and began to walk faster towards the dock.

"Why are you moving so fast? Where are you taking me?"

"I wanna take a picture with you on the dock with the sunset in the background!"

"Jesus Christ, what is with you mortals? You only have so long, just enjoy the moment while you have it!"


Nightmare sighed before nodding. Blue gasped and grinned up at him, before whipping his body around and began to run towards the dock.

His hand was still in Nightmare's, so the process was a lot slower than he would've liked, but at least Nightmare agreed to it.

The two made it to the end of the dock before the sun fully went down. Blue was giggling, but it wasn't maniacal. It was made of pure excitement and glee, which Nightmare loved.

He wasn't a being of happiness, the exact opposite actually.

It was something that he had struggled with for some time.

But maybe, if he could make his lover happy with just a simple, meaningless photo, then maybe he was doing something right.

"Can you hold it? You're a lot taller than I am."

"Of course."

Blue handed Nightmare his phone and Nightmare held up so it got both them and the sunset in frame.

They took a couple of photos, all with different poses and angles, but there was one the two decided was the absolute best.

It was a photo of the two of them sharing a kiss. The sun landed on the two of them just right.

Blue leaned into Nightmare's chest, before taking his phone back before Nightmare had the chance to hold it over his head.

Blue gasped as he saw it. He got so happy so fast, if Nightmare was any edgier than he already was, then he probably would've collapsed under the overwhelming positive feeling.

But nowadays, those types of things didn't bother him anymore. His goal had changed from destroying all happiness and ruling to the world, to making him happy.

A dramatic change, yes, but not a bad one.

"It's perfect!"

"You're perfect." Nightmare muttered in response before pressing another kiss to his forehead.

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