Chapter 5

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"My name is Gerardo Mendez, but I go by Sergio. I am one of the main heads of El Diablo cartel. You will follow my orders, you will respect me, and you will never say no to any task I ask you to do. Otherwise, you and your pretty little daughter will never be seen again. So, do we have a deal?" Sergio asked. Jorge stared at Sergio and didnt speak. Jorge was thinking to himself and determining if there were another way to get his daughter back, but his mind was blank. There was no other thought on getting her back another way and how he might not be able to pay for her surgery within a reasonable time limit if he works his normal jobs. Jorge thought it fully out and then decided on his answer, "i will work for you, if I get my daughter back right now." Jorge demanded. "Okay. Just know, if you try to fuck me over or try to quit working for me, then next time you and your daughter will never be seen again. You cant run and hide from me, ill always catch you. So next time you try sum shit like that again, just remember not to be selfish and consider all things, but yourself, thats at stake." Sergio remarked. Sergio picked his phone up and dialed a number. There was a short pause. "Bring the little girl to my office." Sergio demanded as he hung up. A few minutes later, a man with a black bandana with a red devil imprint on it, came in the office and had Leslie. She had a blindfold over her eyes and her hands were zip tied behind her back. The man looked at Sergio and Sergio nodded. The man cut the zip tie and removed her blindfold. As soon as the blindfold came off, she ran to Jorge. "Dad!" She said as she had tears pouring down her cheeks. "I'm scared. Can we go?" Leslie asked. "Yes honey, we are gonna go home now." Jorge said to comforted her. Sergio picked up his glass and finished the rest of his drink. "Remember what I said, Mr. Guzman. I will be calling you shortly." Sergio said. Jorge nodded. "Lets go." Jorge said to Nate. They got in the car and dropped Nate off. "Did anybody touch you?" Jorge asked Leslie. "No, they just watched me and made sure I didn't go anywhere. Why did they come to the house? Why did they take me?" Leslie asked. Jorge was silent for a few seconds, debating how he was gonna answer the question. Jorge managed to come up with a lie that would sound reasonable to a 13 year old. "The men came to the house because they thought no one was home and they thought there was money in the house. They took you because they did not want to risk you calling the cops and getting them in trouble." Jorge responded. Leslie was quiet for a few minutes and then asked "how did you know where I was? How did you find me?" Leslie asked. Jorge looked at the rear view mirror to look at Leslie. Leslie was concerned of Jorge's next answer. Jorge once again took a few seconds to come up with a lie that sounded reasonable. "Someone I know, seen you go into the building the men took you to and they called me and told me. They were concerned about you. So was I." Jorge responded. As they were pulling in their driveway, Leslie was still curious and asked another question. "Why did that man say he was gonna call you?" Leslie asked. Jorge was silent as he unbuckled his seat belt and stepped out the car and helped Leslie out. "You did not answer my question, dad. Why did the man say he was gonna call you?" Leslie asked with a worried look. "Lets go inside and get something to eat. I will answer your question later. I am really tired honey." Jorge responded. As they got inside, Leslie asked another question. "Do you promise to tell me later?" Leslie asked. Jorge looked at her and asked, "Why are you so worried about those men?" "I overheard one of the men talking in the car when they got me, that they originally were looking for you because you were working for them and tried to stop." Leslie said. Jorge started gaining anxiety and sat there trying to not let his daughter find out. "I work for them as a driver. Whenever they need somewhere to go, they give me a call and tell me the instructions on where to go. They pay really good and I was trying to save enough to pay for your surgery." Jorge responded. "Really? Thats a lot of money dad. Thats gonna be awhile to save up. I only have 6 months to live, dad." Leslie said as her eyes began to water. Jorge looked at her and had a sad look on his face, but he tried to comfort her by saying "I promise I will have the money to pay for your surgery honey." They hugged tightly and then the phone on the table rang.

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