Chapter 3

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Nate and Jorge started making $20,000 each, a day. Jorge felt like a criminal but wanted to get money by any means necessary. They were making so much money that one days worth of their cooking, equaled to Jorge working his 3 jobs in 4 months. After they made the white paste, they sat it in a large strainer and let it set until it became powder. They would then proceed to put them in a regular press. They made 5 kilos a day. Jorge assumed that they were making cocaine, but he asked Nate, "what are we making? Why is it so dangerous to make?" Nate put the stick down and paused the batch he was making and turned to Jorge and said "we are cooking the most wanted drug in Mexico, fentanyl. The reason its so dangerous to make, is because not only can the chemicals have an explosive reaction, but if any gets on your skin, even a few grains, it can be fatal. If you inhale the smoke from the batches, that can also be fatal. Its dangerous, but its good money and thats why I make us wear all this protection to keep our health in good condition." Nate stated. Jorge stood still and was in shock that he was helping make poison that will kill many people. Jorge has been helping Nate cook for a week and felt like he had enough money to completely stop and go back to working his three jobs and not destroying people's lives. "I'm not doing this anymore. This shit we are making are killing lots of people and I cant be a part of it anymore. Im done helping you, man." Jorge said as he walked to a safe area and removed his gear. He sat the gear in a pile on the table next to the kilos with an imprint of the devil on each one. "Wait! You might want to think about this. My employer knows you cook with me and if he sees that you stopped, he will come after you!" Nate yelled, trying to convince Jorge to stay because he cared about Jorge and didn't want to see his obituary. Jorge said "whatever man. Stay away from me." And walked out the door and got into his car and drove away. When he got home, he seen his daughter, Leslie, laying in bed. She was pale as a ghost. She was sound asleep and he did not want to wake her. He grabbed the bag of money he made from cooking and walked over to an air vent that was near the ceiling and popped open the vent cover and started placing the stacks of money until it was all in there. He placed the cover back on and made sure that it would not fall off. He stood up and on the shelf next to him, he saw a picture of his wife and picked the picture up and he stared at it. A few tear drops splashed on the picture and he sat it back down. Jorge laid down and thought about how he feels like a serial killer and criminal. Not much later, he went to bed and called it a night. Next morning, he woke up by Leslie saying "Daddy! Wake up! Wake up!" Jorge woke up and felt exhausted since he didnt get much sleep the previous night. "Happy birthday, dad!" Leslie said excitedly. Jorge smiled and said "im glad at least you remembered, thank you, I love you." Leslie gave him a big hug and asked "what are we gonna do for your birthday?" Jorge went from happy to serious. "I have to work today Leslie. We can celebrate when im off tomorrow." Leslie was not excited anymore. "You promise to celebrate with me tomorrow?" Leslie asked. "Yes Leslie, I promise." Jorge said as he kissed her forehead. "I have to get to ready for work now, I gotta leave soon." Jorge said as be turned around facing his closet. He pulled out his work clothes and changed his outfit. "I have to go honey, I love you, ill be home later tonight." Jorge said. "Have a good day at work dad, i love you." Leslie responded. Jorge grabbed his black leather fur coat and walked outside and headed to his car, clearing a path of snow on the way. Jorge pulled in to the parking lot for his work and sat in his car for a second, looking at a picture of his daughter and wife. He unbuckled his seat belt and grabbed his pack of Newport menthols and lit one and grabbed his lunch. He finished the Newport and clocked in for work and prepared himself mentally for a long days worth of work. Four hours into his shift, he gets a call. He feels his phone vibrate, but hes too busy to answer. The vibration stopped, then ten seconds later, it vibrated again. He asked the supervisor if he can see if the call is important and the supervisor let him step outside. Jorge looked at the caller ID and noticed that it was his neighbor. Jorge answered sounding worried. "Hello? Whats going on?" Jorge asked. "I seen an unusual blacked out truck parked in front of your house. I didn't see anyone get out, but they weren't there for long. I did not see them leave either." The neighbor said. Jorge hung up the phone and left work immediately without saying anything to his supervisor. Jorge sped home and his heart was beating out of his chest and he was having major anxiety of what nate said and how someone was possibly in his house. Jorge parked in the driveway and left the car running and ran inside the house looking for Leslie. "Leslie! Where are you?! Leslie!" Jorge yelled loud still searching the house for her, but there was no response. He seen blood on Leslie's bedroom carpet, she was no where to be seen.

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