(10) Portrait

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Short chapter!! Sorry, but the next one will be longer!


In Johann Schmidt's office he is playing Wagner's "Das Reingold." An artist is at an easel, painting Schmidt. Then, there's a knock at the door. "Sir?" the doctor calls out.

The record continues to spin on the phonograph. Dr. Zola hesitantly goes into the office, then suddenly stops. "Don't stare, Doctor." Johann says. The artist paints Schmidt in all different shades of red. "Is it something in particular?" he continues.

"I understand you've found him." the doctor states. "See for yourself." On the table Dr. Arnim finds many surveillance shots of Doctor Erskine in New York. He sees the doctor buying hotdogs, in a cab and being escorted around by MP's.

The doctor looks up to see a silhouette of Johann Schmidt in front of the big window. "You disapprove." the silhouette asks. "Berlin doesn't feel this is a proper use of their resources." the doctor states.

"And you are now their loyal servant?" the silhouette of a man pauses. "Berlin, if they care, can discuss it with me personally."

"I just don't see why you need concern yourself. I can't imagine he'll succeed-" the doctor catches himself. "Again."

"His serum is the allies only defense against the power we now possess. If we take it away, our victory is assured." Johann states. Dr. Zola nods, defeated.

"Shall I give the order?" the doctor questions. "It's already been given." the silhouette tells his partner. Zola gives him a tight smile and goes to head for the door, but before he can leave Schmidt asks him a question.

"Dr. Zola? What do you think?" Zola looks to the artist, who looks terrified. Then, the doctor looks to the portrait. "A masterpiece." he tells his boss.

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