(6) Dr. Erskine

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YN doesn't see Steve standing in front of the mirror anymore. So she walks into the recruitment tent, looking for her blonde friend. She hears Steve's voice come from one of the rooms.

"Am I in trouble?" the short man asks his young doctor. "Just wait here." the doctor tells Steve walking out of the room.

"Bingo!" YN goes into the room the doctor just left. There she sees Steve trying to quickly get dressed. Steve didn't hear YN enter the room. 

Suddenly, a MP comes in towering over both Steve and YN. Behind the soldier comes in Doctor Erskine, in a white lab coat, looking at a file.

"So, you want to go overseas, kill some Nazis?" the doctor asks Steve. "Excuse me" the confused man asks.

Dr. Erskine sticks his hand out for Steve to shake. "I'm Doctor Abraham Erskine. I represent the Strategic Scientific Reserve. I see you know YN, she also works with me." YN gets ready to protest but Abraham sticks his hand up signaling her that it's fine.

YN is relieved at least one of her friends know where she works. "Steve Rogers. Where are you from? And YN why didn't you tell me that's where you worked." The girl opens her mouth to answer her friend but the doctor answers for her.

"Queens. 73rd and Utopia Parkway. And before that, German. This trouble you? And YN wasn't allowed to, still isn't, but we can make an exception for you." Steve thinks about this, then shrugs it off.

"And where are you from, Mr. Rogers? Is it New Haven, or Paramus, or..." the doctor trails off while reading the blondes file. "Five exams. In five different cities..." YN's eyes widen at the doctors statement. She only knew he tried twice.

"That might not be the right file-" the nervous man is cut off. 

"It is not the exams I am interested in. It is the five tries." the doctor peaks up from reading the files. "You didn't answer my question. You want to kill Nazis?" the doctor continues.

"Is this a test?" the scared skinny man asks. "Yes." YN and the doctor say together. Steve looks back and forth between the two people in front of him before answering, "I don't like bullies, Doctor. I don't care where they're from."

"There are already plenty of big strapping men in this war. What they need now is maybe the "little guys," yea?" the old man explains. "Let's say I believe there is great potential in every human. It's just a matter of bringing it to the surface."

"Maybe. What do you guys do, exactly?" Steve wonders aloud. YN thinks carefully about what to say. She's not entirely sure if she can tell him about the Super Soldier Serum, but she does other things so she can just leave the serum out.

"Well, I help Stark invent weird things, like his flying car contraption. I also train in hand to hand combat with some other agents, I help the scientists with experiments. I do a lot, but we can speak on that later." Steve nods and the doctor gives her a tight lipped smile.

The three of them walk out of the room and to a podium in the hallway. Erskine lays down Steve's file. He goes to reach for a stamp, "I can offer you a chance, only a chance." YN looks at the doctor like he's crazy. Steve's just some skinny kid from Brooklyn, all the guys in the army will make fun of him.

"That's all I'm asking for." YN vigorously shakes her head at her friend. "Stevie, are you 100% sure? And what am I gonna do with both my friends gone, leaving me here wondering if you guys will ever come back to me?"

Steve thinks about what YN says, but is already sold on going to the army. "(NN), you know this is what I've wanted my whole life. I promise you I'll come back to you, I always will." he gives her one of those smiles that makes her weak in the knees.

"Don't worry (NN)" the doctor mocks, "You actually can go with me and Agent Carter, you'll be able to "stay" with Steven." YN's face beams with excitement when she hears the doctors statement.

"Oh Steve, I can't wait for you to meet Peggy. I know you'll love her!" the girl says. Doctor Erskine chuckles, "So where is the little guy from?"

"Brooklyn." Erskine nods to Steve and stamps his file. The stamp says "1A".

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