(7) Hydra HQ

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A guardpost stands atop a cliff. On this cliff is Hydra's HQ. Inside, Johann Schmidt and Dr. Zola are working on a weapon that could change the war. "Are you ready, Dr. Zola?"

Dr. Zola's face appears distorted on a monitor. "My machine requires the most delicate calibration." Dr. Arnim Zola pulls back to reveal that his face isn't actually distorted, it's just the way the angle of the camera was at. The camera is pointed at an empty cradle in the middle of a weird, complicated machine.

"Forgive me if I seem over cautious." the doctor finishes his previous statement. Johann Schmidt adjusts a conduit attached to a big battery.

"Are you certain the conductors will withstand the energy surge long enough for the transference?" Johann asks for confirmation.

"With this... artifact... I am certain of nothing." the over cautious doctor explains. Zola looks at more conduits coming from the battery to a crude cannon. A small, wooden target waits across the room. "In fact, I fear this may not work at all." the doctor concludes.

Johann glances at the snake like box, from Norway, on the table. "Then we have lost only time, Doctor. But if it does work..." the waxy man trails off. Ancient tomes spread from the box showing the mammoth tree and a snake in its roots. "In a matter of minutes, we might control the power of the gods. Either way..." he trails off again.

His eyes flicker to another engraving, a glowing cube lays waste to horade barbarians. "It is a moment of terrible possibility." Schmidt opens the box and once again the beautiful, blinding blue light illuminates from the box on his face. Zola secures the glasses upon his face.

Schmidt lists out the very bright object of pure energy. He puts it carefully into the cradle. A smoked glass shield comes down, covering the chamber. Through the glass, the doctor and leader are able to see the outlines of the glowing cube.

Johann turns the dial. The cube begins pulsing. A gauge marked, "ENERGIENBATTERIE" is glowing blue, beginning to grow: 20%... 40%... 60%... the battery stays cold, dark.

The doctor begins to speak a little more calmly than he did before, "We are stable at seventy percent. Well within safety parameters."

"I did not come all this way for safety, Doctor." the man with sunken eyes counters. Schmidt now losing his patience turns the dial to 80%... 90%...

"At these levels the power may be uncontroll-" the doctor tried to say. Schmidt ignores the doctor and turns the dial one last one, now at 100%. The cube begins surging out of this world energy bursts, in a burning flash. It floods the conduits, filling the once empty battery with blue energy.

The battery couldn't handle all the energy and busted, at least that's what they thought. The energy now flashing in a swirling rush of lightning. Schmidt and Zola stare in the direction of the cradle, in complete and utter awe.

Within the swirling energy an otherworldly vision quickly appears. Then, suddenly, zap! It's gone just as fast as it appeared. The vision winking out caused a searing beam of energy to shoot from the gun, completely vaporizing the wooden target. The blast leaves a hole on the wall behind the vaporized target.

Zola pulls a switch, shutting down the machine. The battery they thought busted is still there with blue light emitting from it, humming with life. Speechless, Arnim Zola slowly looks to where the vision once was.

"Did you see..." the doctor begins, still in shock. Schmidt looks around at the destruction he made, and allows a smile to form on his lips. "Thank you, Doctor. Your designs do not disappoint..."

The conduits lie around the lab, in ruins. "Though they may require reinforcement." Schmidt states. Zola takes a look at a reading one of the gauges is providing, impressed.

"The exchange is stable. Amazing. The energy we've just collected could power a battleship. Ten battleships." the doctor states. After a short pause he speaks again, "This will change the war."

With shaky hands Schmidt pours himself a glass of whiskey. He takes a sip, "Doctor Zola. This will change the world."

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