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When I woke up I wasn't in the bedroom. I was sitting in a basement with other bitches. We were all naked and chained up to a wall. There was no escape and no where to go. I looked at the females and seen that most of them had bruises and cuts. Some were crying and praying to leave.I started to all questions but a dude walked in.

He looked rugged and hoboish. I honestly can't believe I ended up in a trafficking ring. I gotta get out here. I started to scream making all the other girls scream but that only landed me a slap to the face. This is nuts and cruel. They can't keep us here.

"Man why are we here? You and yo partners gone get arrested for this."

"Shut up bitch. You gone do what we say. You don't matter at all."

I couldn't really see the dudes face but his voice sounded so familiar. I started to scream again but he grabbed my face squeezing it tight as ever.

"Since you like to talk so much, you getting sold first."

A bag was put over my head and I was tied up. I tried to scream for help but it didn't work. It was as if no one could hear me. It started getting more dark and quiet. I was still screaming my lungs out but no one could hear me.

When I woke up I was in my bed sweating and Gerald was next to me knocked out. Having a dream like that made me think that Gerald might be up to no good. I never wanted to doubt our relationship but things haven't been going right. I'm just scared that he might try something but I'm trying not to think about the negative.


After what felt like forever I got out of the bed feeling renewed. I picked up a note left on the dresser. It said that Gerald stepped out but for me to get dressed and pull up to a rooftop restaurant. I wonder what the occasion is? The scenery and area will def be different.

After getting myself together I pulled up to the rooftop restaurant. It is a beautiful place and the lights outside make it sparkle. I parked and then made my way inside. This place is not the type of restaurants Gerald likes to go to. Usually when we're on a date he'll take me to Olive Garden or Apple bees.

The man is a cheap skate and there's nothing wrong with being cheap but he's cheap when it comes to food but will buy thousands of dollars worth of designer clothes and shoes or belts. If we are out eating Gerald will by a side as his appetizer and entree. And don't let me want something a little more expensive, he will go crazy. No drinks except water, no steaks or tenderloins, no salmon, no pasta, only a burger or a salad plain.

When I made it to the area he told me I seen everybody there. Friends, family, his friends and family, even some of his crew came. This was so sudden and unexpected of him. Who helped him because I know he ain't good with planning anything. I greeted everyone and sat down next to Gerald. When the waiter came she took our orders but she was spending way too much time with Gerald.

I cleared my throat so that they could stop with whatever they was doing. The bitch thought she was slick but I seen her slide her number on the table. I grabbed the paper and ripped it up. She gave me a look and I gave her one back.

"Listen servant girl. This dude you talking to is my boyfriend and you know that. Stop being a hoe and just take our orders before I call the manager and have yo ass fired."

She scoffed and walked away. I looked at Gerald and he gave me a death glare. I gave one back because he know he shouldn't be entertaining other females when he got a girlfriend. And that's right there is why I question him sometimes. I didn't even notice that everybody at the table was looking at us. Nothing to see here so just go back to talking.

"The fuck was that Tracey? You tryna embarrass me or some?!"

"Nigga what are you tweaking on and that was me being your girlfriend. You shouldn't be entertaining other Bitches knowing you got a girl. You act like I'm not sitting right here next to you. And I ain't gotta embarrass you because you're embarrassing me." I was getting angry atp

"Nah you on some wack dumb shit. Imma show you when we get home how it feels to be embarrassed."

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