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Killa had pulled up to the club to come see me as usual but things was awkward cuz Sasha would stare and make faces. She pretends that it don't bother her but I know it do. I don't want no drama just stay away from my man and we can still be bestfriends. I wish things didn't get awkward like this. She should've been upfront about it but I should have been upfront earlier about me wanting to talk to him. The same time the night she had sex with him she should've told me because who holds out on info like that knowing that eventually it will get out. It doesn't help that we both were crushing on the same guy.

I walked over to Kim to get Two shots for me and killa. I honestly want to have sex but I don't wanna rush into it like I did with Gerald. If we take our time and do it right then I won't be so on edge to get it. Even if we don't bump genitals I will still take the head.

"Girl your Man know he loves you cuz he be here everyday."

"Yea and I love that he supports me but sometimes I wish he wouldn't show up."

"Wait why?" I forget that Kim don't know the whole sitch

"The dude that Sasha fucked was killa. She didn't tell me but he did." She gasped talking all of this in

"When was this and what she hasn't told you?!!"

"That night she gave me that paper because someone wanted a private and I declined. He was the dude and I don't know to be honest."

"Well here she comes." I looked to my right to see Sasha stalking her way over here. She seems to be jittery and happy but I know that's a front

"Hey what y'all talking about?"

Speaking of the devil herself.

"Nothing really, just this new man Kim got. So we didn't get to meet the last time we went out."

"What's his name, what he do for a living, where he stay, what kinda car he drive?"

Sasha asking way too many questions. We haven't even met dude yet and she already wanna know his whole life story. Can we meet him first like damn. Grilling Kim ain't gone help.

"His name is Malik just like your half brother."

"I haven't seen Malik in years since went off to war.

That was the best thing because my dad is def a pain in the ass and a hard ass.

"Lemme find out you actually talking to my brother and he ain't tell me he was back."

"I don't know I would need to see pics first before I can confirm."

The conversation went on for a good minute to I realized I gotta get back to killa. Watch he fuss cuz I was taking too long. I grabbed the shots then made my way to him. I opened the door and he was sleep. This man can sleep anywhere. I Put the shots on the table and sat on his lap. I don't even have to do anything but just sit right here and cuddle him.


When Tracey left I could tell that she was bothered by Tracey being in a relationship with Roman. In all honesty she need to let it go because she never told anybody who she fucked and she not saying nothing. It's like she putting up a front and won't say what's real. I also think that she might be feeling guilty because she don't know how long they been talking and she prolly think she did Tracey wrong.

Who knows that this point because Sasha was bragging hard on Roman and how good he fucked her and I know that for a lot of people after having sex feelings can get involved. She needs to just move on and find somebody who is actually worth her time. She worried about a dude who ain't worried about her. And I know how Roman is when he single. Roman will fuck and duck and Tracey is his second relationship so I know he not finna step out on her.

"What's bothering you sasha? You been acting strange and moody all day."

"Nothing is wrong. I am fine. Why you asking that?"

"Maybe because you slept with killa and now you feeling salty that he dating Tracey and not talking to you?"

"Who the Fuck told you that?" I could sense the attitude in her tone

"Calm down pumpkin cuz you know what I'm saying is facts. Killa told Tracey before they started dating and what's makes it worse that Tracey is supposed to be your "bestfriend" and you can't even tell her. You acting like everything good and nothing happened."

She sighed and laid her head on the table. Defeat is a real thing in situations like this.

"I think it's funny how she dating the dude I fucked and now I got the short end of the stick. I made it clear that I liked him and wanted more from him."

"Girl stop the cap. you aint make nothing clear. You ain't even say it was killa that you was tryna pursue. Killa ain't even know that y'all was friends during the time of y'all fucking until he brought her to the hospital. You can't be mad because she got him and you didn't. I told you from jump that KILLA is a hoe when he single. Let that shit go and move on to another dude."

"I don't want no other dude. I want him."

"Listen Linda the only reason you fucked KILLA that night was because Tracey didn't want to. He was pursuing her before and after y'all had sex. You gotta charge this to the game and find somebody with your time and energy. Don't lose a friend over a dude  that don't want you."

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