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Roman had a fancy but romantic setup at time square. He paid alot of money to have pictures of him and Tracey plastered all over the screens. She really didn't think nothing of it but him just stepping out of his norm with the usual gifts. She looked at the slide show in aw. Gerald had never done anything this beautiful for her. He barely did anything at all but to see Roman do this was a breath of fresh air and heart warming.

Each person she had came across had given her a single rose until she had a full set. She thought that they were just giving them out like most people usually do in this area. The further she walked the more her feet were starting to get tired but that's what happen when you wear heels. Tracey had followed the signs that people were holding which led to the middle of time square.

A crowd had formed around wondering what was going on. When she looked up at the screen she seen Roman talking but didn't know where from. The background was white with gold and black droppings. She started to get teary eyed listening to Roman say those sweet words to her. Both families had turned their cameras on to record.

Roman had come out from one of the buildings behind her and got down on one. She didn't even realize him being behind her for a god few minutes. When she turned around she seen Roman on one knee and started crying harder. She wanted nothing more than to be Roman's wife and spend the rest of her life with him. He made her so happy and despite the trials and tribulations they always managed to make it through.

Family and friends were watching and so were a crowd of bystanders. The scenery was beautiful and the timing was perfect. At least that's what they thought.

In the midst of the magical moment there were a few people who didn't belong and seeked to get the revenge they desired. As much as excessive wanted to believe that Sasha was being genuine really not trying to cause trouble, she was. Many believed that Gerald was dead but unfortunately he was not. After being Shot his men on the inside immediately helped him get back to health.

As time progressed he sought out to take Roman down and anyone who associated with him, including Tracey. If he couldn't have her then no one can have her. This would be the end for everyone as they know it.


At the peak of the moment a sniper shot both Roman and Tracey in the middle of the head killing then dead where they stood. Cries and screams could be heard and no one knew where the shots came from. In the same uproar and cries for help more shots had rang out killing off the family members as well leaving Kim and bully the only ones still alive but wounded.

Gerald had felt so bad at that moment for killing Tracey that he wound up killing hisself in the end. As much as Sasha wanted Tracey gone she didn't want Gerald to Roman too since her child needed a father. She cried and cried on the roof of that building angry at Gerald for what he had done. She only wished that she could turn back time and stop him from killing the father of her child. She was now alone and work no one to help her raise Roman's child.

"God if you can hear me please forgive me for my sins and horrible ways. All I wanted was one thing and I never got it. I am sorry for my actions and I wish that this was all a dream and a nightmare. Please watch over me and my child so that we will be safe. AMEN."



I know prolly hate the ending and wished this didn't happen. Thank y'all for reading this book though and I appreciate each comment and read.

Don't forget to read "HOE" and stay tuned for a new book coming out soon.

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