chapter 7.

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After breakfast, draco took Hermione to the black lake as he wanted to formally introduce her to his friend group, consisting of blaise, Mattheo, theo and enzo.

"Hey fuckers" draco said to the boys
"Look it's Lincoln logs" Blaise greeted
"Morning pixie sticks" mattheo joked "who is this fine lady you're with draco?" He said while taking in Hermione's hand and kissing it

"Watch it riddle or I'll curse you" draco said with a straight face,
The other guys barked a laugh.

"I want you ugly rats to meet my loving girlfriend, Hermione"

The guys smiled at her and Introduced themselves.

"I'm bored" enzo said

"Well I have an idea" mione said
"Go on baby doll, tell us the great idea" theo said and winked at the lady

"Theo keep going and you won't have a dick anymore"

"As I was saying, we could all hang out and I could paint all of your nails" mione suggested with a soft smile.

"OOOOOOOO YES" enzo said

"Enzo sometimes I get the vibes you're a little fruity" blaise pointed out

"Fine, but one hand and you better not mess up woman" riddle smirked at her.

"Yeah I'll bring the food, you lads got dry ass taste buds" theo said then went to the kitchen.

"Definitely not happening love"

"Draco shut up and put your big girl panties and suck up" blaise teased

"I fucking hate all of you, except my granger"

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