chapter 6.

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Hermione woke up to see a very sleepy draco cuddled up against her. Remembering the events of last night Hermione smiled to herself, after draco had proposed Hermione they went to celebrate and visited all the shops at hogsmeade, draco also insisted on buying everything Hermione found nice or interesting.

"Good morning my love" draco said sleepily as he pulled mione down to cuddle. He buried his face into her neck and breathed in her scent, she smelt like daisies.
"Morning my pretty boy" she said
"Did you just call me pretty?"
"Mhm I did"
"I'm not pretty I'm handsome and hot" he said looking at her sheepishly
"Alright then I'll call someone else pretty boy" she said smirking
"Back the fuck up, no you're not"
"Oh fuck no, I'm your pretty boy, me, no one else, got it granger? Me I'm the pretty boy"

Hermione laughed and smiled at the jealous boy "yes you're my pretty boy, only mine"

Draco groaned "do we have to get up, it's Sunday. I want to stay with you"
Hermione chuckled at this statement.
"Well no I'm afraid so, let's get dressed and head to the great hall for breakfast"
"5 more minutes mione"
"Malfoy get your arse up right now!'
"Okay okay geez woman I'm up"
Draco then grabbed her and kissed her slowly.
"I can get used to this" he said looking into her coffee like eyes.

The two love birds then went down, once they entered the hall all eyes turned to them, again.
Draco snaked his hand around Hermione's waist protectively and glared at the crowd.

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