chapter 2.

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Hermione woke up feeling exhausted, like she hadn't slept already. She groaned trying to get up from her bed. Finally remembering she had potions. She put on her uniform took her bag and ran down to the great hall.

On the way she collided with a hard chest "watch it granger"

Ah deja vu.

"And we meet again, missed me already granger? I do think that you have a thing for colliding with me"

"I'm going to be late for potions"

"You can relax, we still have 30 minutes and you look like a mess"

"Here let me get you dolled up"

Hermione started to blush furiously as draco took the responsibility of taming her hair. She liked the feeling of his fingers gently combing her hair.

Their faces were almost touching while draco tied her tie. She noticed his pretty grey eyes for the first time, almost getting lost in then when she heard his voice.

"Let's go granger"

Hermione looked at him confused "you'd want to be seen with me?" Draco shrugged and put his hands around her, almost embracing her.

They started walking towards the dungeons, students looking at them while murmuring to their friends. Hermione got a few disgusted and jealous look as she was with one of the most handsome and richest guy in school.

They arrived to class and draco had the nerves to sit beside her. "Draco go to your place"

'I prefer staying with you, don't make me go sit with pansy" he sighed

Hermione shot him a questionable look. "Aren't you guys together?" She murmured.

"No, it's just a false rumour she made when I was using her for pleasure."

'You're pathetic malfoy"
"Mhm is that so love?"
"Don't call me love" Hermione said while her cheeks went red. "Why not you seem to like it flower" draco said smirking.

"Shove off " Hermione shot back. "Your so called girlfriend is looking at me like I just snogged you" Hermione said noticing pansy's glare

'Just ignore her" he said as professor snape entered the room.

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