Chapter 1

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Bang! Bang! Shots were flying over Jorge's head. Jorge Guzman was a marine that was fighting for his country. Mexico and the United States were at war. It was the biggest war the world has ever seen. He ran around on the side to get behind them and flanked them. Jorge's platoon were the most ruthless killers in the marine cor. Jorge saw six men with their backs toward him. He grabbed a grenade out of his grenade holder and tossed the grenade up in the air above the six men and shot the grenade with one shot and blew them all up. Jorge seen a black armored truck approaching his team at high speeds and he commanded his team to get in thier truck and call for back up. They got in the truck and the armored truck started shooting at his team and pulled up to the side where Jorge was sitting. He saw two men pointing their weapons at him. Jorge pull out his Smith and Wesson 1911 and shot once, killing the two men with a collateral head shot. The driver of the armored truck kept ramming the side of Jorge's truck to make them wreck. The truck was not stopping and couldn't get a good shot because the windows were armored and he used his last grenade earlier. He began to crawl out his window and quickly jumped on the armored vehicle. There was an opening at the top where the turret was, Jorge climbed his way to the top while the truck was trying to throw him off. Jorge climbed through the hole and pulled out his 1911 and shot the driver. Jorge hoped up front and kicked the driver out and took control of the truck. The two trucks were driving back to their base, until Jorge saw two jets flying over them. "Take a left! Lets get them off our tail!" Jorge said to his team. They turned to avoid the Jets but Jorge seen a tracker missile coming their way. No matter which way they turned, the missile was following. The missile was catching up. Time slowed down for Jorge as he seen the missile behind them while it caught his teams truck. Boom! The truck blew up next to Jorge and sent his truck flipping over. The truck caught on fire and Jorge was unconscious. Jorge's eyes slowly opened. The lights were so bright that Jorge couldn't keep his eyes open. "Welcome back, sir. We thought we almost lost you there." A military doctor said. The doctor grabbed a stack of papers and read them quietly to himself and then said "I know you probably don't want to hear this but you suffered a severe concussion, we can't have you on active duty until you recover, sir. It can get worse and can be potentially fatal. Go home, relax, dont do any heavy work." The doctor said. They discharged Jorge. He got home and seen his daughter sleeping. His daughter Leslie, was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and she can have a longer life if he can get her surgery paid for. Jorge sat on his bed thinking how he can still make money to raise for his daughter's surgery. He decided to call one of his old jobs as a driver and managed to get the job back. "This won't make me enough money that I need within a short amount of time." He kept thinking to himself. Jorge decided to lay down and a few minutes later, he gets a call. He first ignores it and does not want to answer but something in his gut is telling him he should. So he picks up the phone and looks at the caller ID and sees the name 'Nate Garcia'. Nate was an old friend and the two haven't been in touch for awhile. So he answered the call. "Hey man, whats up? Its been awhile, I miss you bro. Want to grab a beer and hangout?" Nate asked. Nate and Jorge used to be best friends and Jorge missed having company, so he agreed to it and told nate that he will be on his way. "Sounds good, bro. I also need your help with something." Nate said as Jorge hung up.

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