P2 Twenty two - Moving?

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Holy mother fucking god! This story as reached 1k!!!!!!! I can't believe it, it's crazy! To think only a few weeks ago I was excited about 50 reads! I don't know how my poopoo made so many of you interested but thanks so much!

Anyway now I'll let you read what you came for...

Warning contains mentions of things like suicide, depression, and self-harm. Read at your own discretion. ( I do not promote any of these stay safe <3 )

Today had been a... movemented day to say the least.

Levi kept watching you making sure you weren't leaving and didn't leave you alone once so Petra wouldn't dare to approach you.

You still sat far from the window now by habit even if Levi tried to convince you over and over to sit close to the windows.

At the first break, Eren attacked you with a hug and asked you why you disappeared. To which you answered your phone was dead.

After that it was the same at lunch, telling them your phone was dead and you weren't feeling well at the party.

Besides that, you didn't tell anything about you and Levi now dating to avoid problems.

You were now walking on your way back home with Levi.

It was silent and you found it kinda awkward since you knew he had things to say.

" Soooo...?"

" I prefer to talk about it at home but I guess there's something I can ask now..."

" Kay, what is it?"

" Listen to everything before saying anything... So I thought about it and I was wondering if you'd like to come live with me for a week becau-"

You stopped shocked, " Whaaaaa..."

" I said to wait. So I just thought it would be better for the both of us. I want to be there for you and be able to watch over you for a bit so it would be perfect. Plus you shouldn't be alone like that. And if you're at my place I can make sure you eat well because don't tell me what you were eating was good! So yeah there's a bit more to it but that the base of my request..."
He finished his monologue leaving you mute shook beside him.

" Plus I'd like to know you more and be close to my girlfriend..." He mumbled the last part but you still heard it.

" ... Can you let me think about it for a bit..."

" Yeah don't worry."

You started to walk again but in total silence lost in your thoughts.

Living with Levi. A guy. Your boyfriend... Boyfriend... That was so weird to think you had a boyfriend.

You were completely thrown off guard by what he wanted.

Last night you knew he would probably try to watch over you or something but to that extent. To bring you into his personal space... Only to try and take care of you?


Your mind was overheating thinking of everything.

And you concluded...

There was no way you'd accept that and be such trouble for him. He already had to deal with you yesterday and now with you as his girlfriend. You couldn't ask for so much.

" (y/n)?"

You jolted out of your thought and noticed that you were at your front door.

' When did we even get here?'

Save me - LevixReader (modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now