P2 Twenty one - Morning after the storm

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Warning contains mentions of things like suicide, depression, and self-harm. Read at your own discretion. ( I do not promote any of these stay safe <3 )

" Chirp chirp motherfucker" the bird said... lol no joking.


Once again the sun hit your face waking you up meaning you were still alive.

At first, you got sad remembering you were alive but felt something around your waist.

Memories of yesterday all came back to you at once making your cheeks red at how you acted.

You literally pulled him in your bed and forced him to cuddle with you. What the fuck were you thinking!

You slowly let go of his arm which you were holding in a firm grip and were about to turn your head to look at him but your movements were interrupted.

" You finally up, brat." A deep groggy voice said behind you.

You tensed up in surprise and the end of your ears tinted pink hearing a voice like that right beside your head.

" Good morning"

" Good morning since when are you up?" You asked him kinda shy he was just staying there and hoped he had just woken up.

" A while"

He didn't just wake up.

You turned to lay on your back and he propped himself up to be sitting leaning on his arm.

" Why didn't you get up?"

" You were holding my damn arm tight so I couldn't get up without waking you." He said blandly. That really wasn't the answer you were hoping for.

Your cheeks reddened even more and you pulled the blanket over you to hide your embarrassment.

" I'm sorry..." You mumbled under the cover.

Then it happened.

Levi got possessed again and acted like he never does.

He rubbed the top of your head with one hand and got up.

" Tch, brat it's okay. Now get up we have school today.

You moved the blanket a little and peeked over at him to be sure it was actually him.

He was about to pass the door.

" Levi?"

" Hmm?"

" Nothing just making sure it's you..."

" Who else would it be?"

" Hmm, dunno I thought maybe you got possessed..."

" You weirdo, why would that be?"

" Dunno you don't act like you usually do."

" Can't I show I care about you? After all, you're my brat now." He said and smirked before leaving you in a blushing mess.

" What the---... ... I guess that means we're dating?" You mumbled to yourself and got out of bed.

Like every morning you made your way to the bathroom for your 'morning routine'.

You splashed some cold water in your face, peed, brushed your teeth and hair, and went to the kitchen where Levi was.

He was at the stove cooking two eggs since you only had two left.

" Is one egg ok for you?" He asked seeing you were there.

" Actually you can take both I'm not hungry"

Save me - LevixReader (modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now