Chapter 1: LOVE IS BLIND

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We all search for love in the most obvious places but who would have ever thought that love could be found in the one place you never expected to find.

I was raised by strong parents but after my father passed away I had to learn how to hustle along side my mother, who always taught me that there is nothing great out there that I can't achieve so I worked hard when it came to my studies and I managed to land a huge scholarship from a reputed company and from there onwards I built a house for my mother and my life has just been getting brighter then before. Well that was until I met someone whom I considered to be my soul mate, a couple of years ago I met a man called Devin Mekinze, yeah I know that when you feel like you have met the right one you want to give it your all to make sure it works, but here are some things that you should never do after you have met your Mr perfect and if you want to have your dream wedding.

         Step 1:You need to plan everything even before you get yourself a boyfriend or fall in love.

As you already know I  had to hustle so I never had time on my hands to just sit and plan out my life after I met Mr Perfect, I was always caught up with my work and studies so the only time that I would be free was during the weekends which I would normally spend with my mother or friends. Though I normally have work I always managed to get a couple of beers with my girls every Friday after work time, but the one time I decided not to go with my girls was the night that changed my whole life. So that Friday I decided to just had home and take a long nap until Monday but on my way home my car broke down and my phone was dead so I hailed a cab, while driving home we got stuck in traffic "Hey bro what's going" screamed the cab driver from the window. A man dressed in a blue top and white jeans approached the cab.

"Its the usual, there is man in the front of the road refusing to move his car only God knows what's going on through his head" he replied. '(thinking to myself) just how stupid can people get that they are now bringing their issues for the world to see'. "Let me check maybe I can manage to make him move his car" I replied. "We already tried but he isn't moving we tried calling the police but after they saw him they just got in their vehicles and left" responded the man. "Oh! You dont say I'm sure that his one of those rich spoilt brats" I added. "Maybe you are right but I don't know for how long do we have to stay here because my daughters are waiting for me, I'm coming home after 6 months and now I might have to miss my daughters birthday" he frowned. "Listen isn't there any other road available for us to use?" I asked. "There were only two roads that were available after the huge storm but the other road is undergoing construction at the moment so this is the only road that the whole town will be using until the construction is finished" said the cab driver.  For a brief moment I thought of just getting out of cab and walk home but then i looked at the man who's daughters where waiting for and I just couldn't keep my mouth shut so I got out of the car and approached the guy who was causing the inconvenience, I got to the car and knocked on his window, He rolled down his window, removed the toothpick, then gently smirked at me.

"Listen I dont know what your problem is and neither do I want to know but I would really appreciate it if you would move your car so that we can get to our destinations, some off us have more important things to do than cause havoc in the middle of the road"I said. He chuckled then rolled up his window, I was so infrustrated that I almost lost ny mind but I calmed myself down and tried once again. Once again I knocked on his window and he rolled down the window. "Look lady I'll leave when I feel like it so you just go back in your car and relax maybe try to enjoy the beauty of the world while you at it" he smiled. 'Oh gosh I know that I was facing a difficult situation but at that moment I  couldn't help but notice that his smile was out this world. For a brief moment I got lost in his smile but then the sound of a car hooting slapped me back to reality and I knew just what do.

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