Your His Celebrity Crush // (One Direction : Liam Payne Part 2)

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Author's note

I feel horrible for not at least updating one for you guys so here's the continuation of this ever popular series

2 days later

"Louis have you seen my watch and car keys" I asked frantically as I ran from the bathroom to my room

"Do I look like a damn genie, no I don't know where you put it" he replied waving his hand around

"It's in the top end of the shelf in your room" Zayn answered pointing towards the wooden feature, as I literally ran towards it

"Why is he so fussy" i heard Harry ask

"Well, today is the day where I go on a date with THE Y/N this is not some fantasy in my head, this is real and i'll be damned to go looking like shit" I replied placing my suit jacket on

"I honestly don't think you need to be all fancy for-"

"Uh yes he does, he needs to make sure that he doesn't look the same way he looks with Sophia which usually like horse shit, sooo" Louis interrupted Harry mid sentence

"You ready Li" Zayn asked getting up and walking towards me

"Yeah I am, b-but what about Sophia" I asked my eyes widening

"You guys broke up remember, she doesn't have a say, you're single which means you can do whatever the fuck you want" Zayn reassured patting my shoulder "just go and be yourself, and I can guarantee she'll love our little Payne"

I nodded a small smile appearing on my face "wish me luck, I guess" I shrugged walking towards the door, going to pick up my date

Your POV

"Girl you ready" I heard Meghan ask as I readjusted my cream coloured dress

"Yeah, you ready" I hollered back fixing my hair

"Uh yeah, we've been waiting for 3 hours now" Jessie shouted back

Smiling I open the door and walked forward

"Damn girl, you're going to kill that damn boy" Zendaya hooted chewing on a carrot

"I don't think he'll resist touching you" Meghan added in

"And before you know it, we have little munshkins running around" Jessie included

"Guys it's not even that bad, y'all just crazy" I replied looking at the large mirror and admiring how I looked in the dress, which by the way hugged each and every curve God gave me

"Dude you're ass looks amazing in that dress tho" Kylie (kinda ran out of people) said whistling then winking at me

"Well you know, if you want a little booty get a black booty"i sang patting my behind

*ding dong*

"Ayy your baby daddy's here" Meghan hollered going downstairs


I stood behind the door, the nervous feeling rushing through my body 'breath Liam breath, you want this' I thought breathing in and out 'do I want this, yeah I want this...or maybe I don't'

"Hello there" a voice said knocking me out of my thoughts, looking up it literally see Meghan Good...THE Meghan Good...oh my lord I'm freaking out

"H-hi is uh Y/N home" I ask 'of course she's home she lives here dumbass'

"Yeah, you can in" she replied stepping aside and welcoming me in, to their rather large house

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