Requested // (One Direction)

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Authors note
This is a requested preference for my girl Justabandfanhbu.....👏👏

Your POV

"Ready for your shift" Marie one of my co workers and friend asked as i walked through the doors

"I guess, that's what a job's for right?" I placed my things in my mail slot and walked towards your desk, plopping down onto my chair i patiently waited for a customer

Since this being my 3rd year working here,I've been promoted to executive manager which technically means after Dania the owner, I'm the big boss in the house...HOLLER

Anyways I've always and I mean always loved coming in and working on people helping bring out their ideas into artistic masterpieces, guess that's every tattoo's artist pleasure

Deciding the only way into wasting time was to have a little music , and do little drawings here and there

Zayn's POV

"C'mon Harry please, i'm begging you" i sighed at Harry's stubbornness

"Why don't you ask Liam"

"He has to go on some date with Sophia" i replied rolling my eyes, i never really liked her she just i guess

"okay, how about Niall he never says no to you" he replied crossing his arms across his chest

"he went to see his family dumbass" i replied frustrated

"ohhhhh, yeahh whoops" he said chuckling "what about Louis"

"he's on a date with Eleanor"

"ask Liam"

"i just told you Liam is with Louis who's with Eleanor whose with Sophia" i sighed really getting frustrated with Harry's vague answers

"fine i'll come with you"

"finally okay lets go" i replied grabbing my keys and jacket

"wait now" he whined

"no tomorrow, yes now c'mon let's go" i hollered from the doorway, to a bored Harry

"do i have to though"

"let's go Harry"

Your POV

"climbed the streets

and i found my way over

you know i've been so lost in translation

like i'm fighting for truce in Babylon

tryna find my peace in this zone of war

even when the day comes

even when the day comes

even when the day comes

even when the day comes

even when the day comes

even when the day comes

even when the day comes

i'll be ready when the day comes" the song blasted in my ears, as i jammed to it enjoying each and every word

"ANAYA" my head shot up to an angry faced Dalia...shit

"hey boss, how's your day going" my voice cracking as i tried to have a some what conversation with Dalia (aka my boss)

"don't you 'hey boss, how's your day going me', there are two customers that have been waiting for you to help them out, and what are you doing...singing like your version 2.0 of Beyonce" she yelled making me flinch "now you go in there and help them out" i nodded quickly getting out of my seat and rushing to the front desk

One Direction // 5SOS Interracial PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now