He/You Bring Him/You On Maury // (One Direction: Harry)

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Authors Note
I saw how many laughs the Maury one with Zayn received and I'm like imma do this ish again.....now it's the Hazza's turn

Your POV

"Ladies And Gentleman please welcome Y/N to the show" Maury introduced as the crowd cheered

"Y/N has been in a relationship with Harry for 9 years...9 years, they even share a 3 year old daughter and 5 year old son together...but Y/N thinks that Harry has been cheating on her with her best friend...and what's also adding salt on the wound Harry denies his own children...Y/N what's going on" Maury asks turning to face me

"Well Maury, I've been in love with this man for 9 years of my life....i have given him everything that he needs...but lately I've been smelling different smells from him" I replied

"Like perfume" asked Maury

"Yes...he also showers every time he comes home"

"What if he works hard...maybe that's the reason"

"The motherfucker is a teacher...the school has air conditioning....his ass shouldn't be running to the shower every time he walks through the door"

"Another thing is he's been coming home with love bites all over him...from his neck all the way to his dick" I yelled as the crowd ooed

"That's bad...but what does that have to do with your best friend" Maury asked furrowing his eyebrows

"Shanice and Harry used to date...they were each other's first for everything..." I replied as the crowed grew silent

"So how did the two of you get together" he asked as the faces of Harry and Shanice showed on the screen

"He cheated on her with me..." I said calmly as the crowd went insane "and that was only because she was running around with his best friend Louis" I added as the picture of Louis showed on the screen

"Wow...so why does this affect you when you got in a relationship with him by helping him cheat on Shanice"

"Because...he's still my man..doesn't matter what happens if he's dick is shoved up my ass..that makes him mine" I shrugged as Maury's face scrunched up

"So he is also denying your kids, how do you feel"

"Maury, I know who I fucking slept with, I slept with his pale ass not once but twice, and if he honestly thinks they aren't his kids, why sign their birth certificates..." you replied trying not get even more angrier

"Alright so let's meet the man behind this..here's Harry" Maury called as the crowd hollered with mixed emotions..some cheering, some booing


I walked into the stage, the crowd booing and others cheering...not that I cared

"Hello Harry nice to meet you" Maury greets

"Hello Maury nice to meet you too"

"So can you tell me what the hell is going on" he asked crossing his leg

"Well Maury, this woman sitting right here is the love of my life, I've spent 9 years of my life with her, i wouldn't be stupid enough to throw that all way" I explained looking at Maury then at Y/N then back at Maury

"So why is she accusing you of cheating" he asked

"Cause she's insecure" I replied as the crowd booed

"Insecure, insecure baby I'm very confident thank you very fucking much" Y/N added as she shook her head

"So what is with you and Shanice"

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