He's Neglected By His Parents Because Of You // (Harry, Zayn and Louis)

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"Get out of my house, you disgusting pig" my mother yelled throwing my clothes left and right, all aiming at me

"Mom please, why are you doing this" i asked as my vision got blurry, from the tears that were on the verge of falling

"Oh stop acting stupid you know why, you went ahead and decided to humiliate my family by dating a black girl" she replies her face turning red in anger, then turning around and grabbing my things and then preceding to throw them out an open window

I watched as my mother ransacked my room, throwing profanities left and right most of them aimed at Y/N

"If only your father knew" she mumbled "he would be just as humiliated"

"No he wouldn't, he knew about me and Y/N and approved of it because he saw how much love we had for each other" i said wiping the tears on my face

"Stop lying, your father hated blacks and you know it" my mother replied turning around and facing me 

I shook my head in disagreement "No he didn't, if only he was here to tell you"

"Well he isn't, and if you want to do anything you have to go through me" she snarled "and if you ever bring up your father liking those horrible people, you will regret it"

"But it's tru-"

"Shut up" she yelled interrupting me mid sentence, before slapping me in the face "now i want you to leave this house and find somewhere else to live, because i sure don't want you in my house"

I watched as she left my room, leaving me in a heartbroken mess closing my eyes i remember why i was going through this and why i've been able to be strong through it

Y/N and i sure as hell couldn't do it without her

Sighing i grabbed my things and shoved them in a mixture of suitcases and duffel bags and left the house, where somebody is supposed to feel safe and loved...



"Are you ready babe" i asked looking towards Y/N as she sprayed on some perfume

"Yeah, i'm done" she replies walking out of the bathroom and throwing me a sympathetic smile "i'm sorry for your loss babe"

I nodded, while taking her hand in mine and puling her towards me "i don't know what i would do without you"

She smiles and leans back, fixing my tie "let's go"


I watched as people exited their cars and walked towards the cemetery, debating if i should get out and follow or just drive off and mourn elsewhere

"Louis babe, we need to go" Y/n said gently taking my hand off the wheel

"I don't know if i can do it Y/n" i replied as i watched my family and friends walk off "i don't want to put you in that position again"

"Louis, this is your mother's funeral i don't want you to worry about me as much, and as of your family and friends if they cause a scene at this funeral, they're obviously there for the wrong reasons"

I looked at her and nodded in agreement taking a deep breath, i grabbed my shades and put them on over my eyes

"Let's go"

3rd Person POV

After having their little conversation, both Louis and Y/N exited the car and walked hand in hand towards the crowd

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