Pollinated Forest

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The morning of the next day

Lance woke out of slumber, and walked to the kitchen, where there was surprisingly home made breakfast, which was a first for him, and he liked this change of events.

Lance: Well, it's nice that I get genuine breakfast for once.

Luigi: And it's nice that you agreed to help us defeat Ean. We have a long journey ahead of us.

Lance: So, where do we need to go?

Dio: Well, there is a fortune teller at Goodfuture Town, but in order to get there, we need to go through the Pollinated Forest.

Lance: You do know that I sneeze a lot in pollinated areas, right?

Narancia: C'mon! It's to defeat Ean.

Lance: Alright, fine...

After they ate breakfast, the head out into the outdoors and walked down a hill leading to a small series of houses.

Lance: Are you sure this is the way to the Pollinated Forest?

Kirby happily let out a poyo, which left Dio to translate due to Kirby not being able to speak English. According to Dio's translation, Kirby said yes. When the group of five entered the forest ahead, they were greeted with a horizon, trees, and a fog of pollen.

Luigi: Never before have I seen a view this incredible! We can even see Goodfuture Town from here!

Dio: We aren't here to sightsee, we are here to seek Ean!

Narancia: I know, but sometimes, it's nice to take a break from adventuring!

Lance: A break? All we did so far was walk here!

After they finished sightseeing per Dio's command, they made their way through the forest, while Lance kept himself from sneezing constantly due to all of the pollen. When they got near the exit which led to Goodfuture Town, they came across a flower with purple petals. It was evil, and was the source of all the pollen.

???: Ah! I see you managed to repress your sneezes!

Lance: Why are you doing this!?

???: I am Darkflower, the guardian of Goodfuture Town!

Narancia: Then why are you pollinating a forest towards the rate of inaccessibility?

Darkflower: It's so Futureteller can rule Goodfuture Town with an iron fist, and eventually, he'll be able to rule time with an iron fist! But anyway, this is where your journey ends!

Darkflower spat a seed, but Kirby inhaled it and spat it back out. Darkflower then tried to use Vine Whip, but Lance dodge it and slashed Darkflower. Darkflower then tried to exert all of its pollen, but before it even could, Luigi smashed it with his hammer. 

Luigi: Now that we are done here, we should get going to Goodfuture Town, since we have been exposed to Futureteller's desires!

To be continued

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