Chapter 15

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"Do you have everything for today?" Your mother asked as you packed your bag for your first day. Your uniform had come in the mail a day prior, which didn't give you much time to see if it fit properly. But luckily, it fit quite well, although the skirt was a bit short for your liking.

"Yeah." You zipped up your bag and stood up off of your bed. You slid on your shoes but groaned in annoyance when you realized you hadn't put socks on. To say you were nervous was a bit of an understatement. You weren't sure what the school was like or how the people were.

'Maybe I'll stop off at the Palace to say goodbye'

"Alright honey. I have to get to work earlier than usual since there's a teacher preparation period before school starts." You dismissed her with a nod, not interested in her plans for today. You were too focused on thinking about what you wanted to do.

"Call me if you need anything! I love you!"

Your mother shut your bedroom door and you quickly grabbed the Key that you had hidden under your pillow and walked over to your bedroom door.


"Hello, Your Majesty."

"How are you this evening, Your Majesty?"

"Looking sharp as always, Your Majesty."

Once again, you were bombarded by the guards but it didn't bother you since they were only trying to be polite. Or maybe they didn't want their heads taken. You weren't so sure. Again, you came to Zariya when it was night since the time zones were different.

'It's midnight, which would mean Pheonix would most likely be in the kitchen eating'

You walked past a few more guards, who said hello like the rest and made it to the kitchen. As expected, you saw Pheonix sneak around in the kitchen and stuff a few things in his mouth. He looked around to make sure no one else was in the kitchen before shoving more food in his mouth.

The kitchen in the castle was extravagant, with multiple counters and sinks. It had a large fridge that was filled with your favorite foods, which confused you at first since they didn't have many electrical things. But you learned to roll with it. The walls were painted a simple white but with candle holders and chandeliers, it matched quite well.

And since the kitchen had so many counters, it gave you the opportunity to hide behind one of them so you could sneak up on the boy. You placed your bag on a nearby wall and crawled on the floor, trying to be quiet. Even though there weren't any candles to illuminate the room, you still had to stay out of sight.

According to Pheonix, Dragon Shifters had heightened senses, which included vision. So despite the kitchen is dark, he could see you either way. Hiding behind the counters, you heard Pheonix groan and mumble something about food.

You moved swiftly from counter to counter, trying to avoid being heard. You peeped around a counter and saw Pheonix hunched over and digging in the fridge. You commando rolled across the floor and crouched.

You lowly walked over to the boy and stood up quietly behind him. He didn't notice you yet so you decided to spook him a bit. You leaned in by his ear and grabbed his shoulders.


Before you knew it, you slammed into the kitchen floor. You felt a sword being held up to your throat as Pheonix pinned your wrists down with one of his hands while to other one grasped his sword. He was glaring down at you, which made you realize he was on sitting on top of you with his legs on either side of you.

𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚂𝚗𝚘𝚘𝚣𝚎, 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙻𝚘𝚜𝚎 (𝙱𝙽𝙷𝙰 𝚇 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙳𝙴𝚁)Where stories live. Discover now