Chapter 11

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"So you wanted to work on your Influence more and you came here looking for Erkin?" Phoenix established. You shrugged a bit.

"And I wanted to look around Zariya with you since I'm, y'know, actually here this time." You added. Pheonix nodded and looked at a fancy watch that sat on his wrist.

"Well, I think Sir Erkin is in a Council Meeting. The same one as Commander Ezikial actually. So we could look around the town now if you'd like." You had just noticed it was daytime, light shining through the windows.

You pulled your phone out of your pocket to see if Midoriya had texted but to your disappointment, there wasn't any signal. Pheonix seemed intrigued with your phone and you caught him staring at it.

"What is that?" He asked. You raised an eyebrow. He seemed like he wanted to touch so you held it out to him in a lazy manner.

"A phone. Don't they have phones here?" You asked as you watched him flinch when the phone lit up. He shook his head as he unintentionally swiped onto the camera and cringed when he saw his face on the screen.

"We have those telephones in a box if that's what you mean. But I've never seen anything so small and portable."

"Are you sure we live in the year?" You asked humorously.

"I suppose Erkin hadn't told you. But after the Last One died, Oryn's process with technology came to a standstill. We are very behind the world when it comes to really everything."

'How are you gonna have teleportation machine thingys but not have phones? Maybe I can fix that.'

"So you don't have TVs, cars, nothing like that?" Pheonix seemed quite confused with the words that came out of your mouth but shook his head. He handed your phone back and bowed again.

"Thank you, your majesty."

"I didn't do anything? Also, why are you being so formal towards me?" You asked, nudging his shoulder with your hand.

"What do you mean?" Pheonix glanced outside before looking back at you.

"Well, you said you're my personal guard, correct? That means you'll be around me more often. So we might as well get familiar with each other." You proposed, holding your hand out. Pheonix looked conflicted, mixed emotions crossing his face.

"We can start that off by you calling me by my name, Y/n." He looked down at your hand and back at you. You were very direct on this change.

"Alright. But only when I'm off duty. That goes for you calling me my name as well." You offered a small smile when he took your hand and shook it.

"Good enough for me." You turned your attention onto the room that caused the small problem. The bleeding had stopped by now, only leaving a small mark on your neck.

"Can you tell me about this room?" You pointed to it. Pheonix nodded at directed his finger to a golden name plated secured into the wall next to him. Engraved into it were the words:

"Queen Y/n's Boudoir"

You looked back at him, his demeanor never changing. "That's mine?" You pointed at the nameplate.

"It is the Royal Bedroom. And technically, the entire palace is yours."

"Wait, I've been in a palace the entire time?!" You basically shrieked. Pheonix nodded again.

"Can I go inside?" You asked, longingly reaching for the doors. Pheonix gave you a weird look. "Why would you ask me if you can go into your bedroom?" You shrugged.

𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚂𝚗𝚘𝚘𝚣𝚎, 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙻𝚘𝚜𝚎 (𝙱𝙽𝙷𝙰 𝚇 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙳𝙴𝚁)Where stories live. Discover now