Chapter 7

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By now, Midoriya was out of sight, the cherry blossom trees were covering him as if a shield. According to your phone, the store was less than a minute away so you ran the rest of the way so you could get started on your new little project as soon as possible.

As you walked, you thought about a conversation you had with Midoriya before you left. 

"Y/n... I have a question." Midoriya asked as you were heading towards the school gates. You flicked his forehead, causing him to whine.

"You don't gotta do that. Speak up whenever. Speak up whenever." Midoriya smiled and started playing with his hands. 

"I'm sure you know I want to join U.A but I was wondering... if you wanted to join as well. Then we can become heroes together!"

"I doubt I'd pass. But you're smart, you could do it."

You sighed to yourself. Why was he so hopeful that you could do something like that?

The store came into view and you could see there weren't many people inside, maybe one other customer and the cashier. You reached the door and swung it open gently, the little bell above echoing throughout the store.

The cashier looked up and gave a small wave in which you returned the gesture. There weren't any signs above the aisles so you weren't able to find the books. You saw a man wearing all black standing by the staff room door, looking a bit suspicious. But you figured he worked there.

"Er, excuse me, sir?" You asked politely. The man stopped whatever he was doing and turned around to face you. You didn't flinch when you saw his face, which happened to be covered in scars and what looked like staples to you.

"What." He snapped harshly. You were taken quite aback by his rudeness but you brushed it off as him having a bad day.

"Do you know where the notebooks are?" You asked. His blue eyes narrowed at you as if trying to read you and your thoughts. 

"How would I know?" 

"Don't you work here?" The man looked at you for a bit before scratching his head and nodding. You raised an eyebrow at his response. He did work here, right?

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I do. Follow me." He started to walk away from the door and headed towards the first aisle. You turned and followed him down the first aisle, which was the scissors and staples and things like that.

He went down the second aisle then the third. In fact, it seemed as if he was lost. After about two minutes of wandering throughout the store, he finally brought you to the notebook and paper aisle. 

"Thanks." The man nodded and strolled back in the direction of the staff door. You started looking at the different array of notebooks, trying to find one similar to the one Midoriya originally had.

"Maybe Izuku would like a pink-colored notebook?" You snickered to yourself, imaging Midoriya carrying around a pink notebook with a unicorn. Your hand hovered over many different notebook styles, trying to see if you could find the one Midoriya had.

Unfortunately, they didn't have the exact notebook-style so you decided on a black notebook that didn't have a specific design, just abstract drawings. You wanted to make sure the book looked neat so you also grabbed a pack of nice pens. Exiting the aisle, you made your way over to the checkout. 

But when you started heading over to the checkout, you bumped into someone. You stumbled back and you thought it was the man from before but you could not have been more wrong.

It was Bakugou.

You were about to turn around and act as if you hadn't seen him, even though it would be quite obvious that would be lying, he seized your wrist and pulled you to the back of the store. 

𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚂𝚗𝚘𝚘𝚣𝚎, 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙻𝚘𝚜𝚎 (𝙱𝙽𝙷𝙰 𝚇 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙳𝙴𝚁)Where stories live. Discover now