Chapter 8

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There was an alternative route if you turned to the right of the store and if you took that route, you'd save a good ten or fifteen minutes. Ten minutes into your walk home, you reached into the bag and pulled out the pack of gum. Not having any available hands or working hands at that moment, you resorted to using your teeth.

Right before you could stick a piece in your mouth, you heard muffled groans coming up ahead in an alley. At first, you suspected someone was 'doing the dirty' and chose to ignore it but by the time you reached the entrance of the alley, a bloodcurdling scream echoed off of the surrounding buildings.

Without hesitating, you dropped your bags and raced into the alleyway. Although it was only about forty feet long, it seemed to stretch for miles. Your heart was thumping as you sprinted, wondering what the hell you had just heard. Your sneakers pounded on the pavement, wanting to get there as fast as you could.

As the muffled screams got louder, the more you started regretting your choice. You kept telling yourself that you could turn back now. That you should just get home and start rewriting Midoriya's notebook and call him while doing it.

But the person sounded like they were in agony. And you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you had left this person to deal with whatever the hell this was.

Soon, you reached a distance where you could make out what was happening. And it terrified you.

There was a young boy, maybe six or seven, and he was slowly being smothered by snakes. They were wrapping around his torso, neck, everywhere. A man, who was quite obviously a villain, was in front of him, howling like a maniac and speaking nonsense.

"You have no idea how much I hate heroes. Maybe if I kill you off, they'll- Oh, look at that shiny rock."

The man held out his hand and more snakes appeared on the ground out of thin air and started slithering towards the boy, who was clawing at the reptiles. The snakes somehow began lifting the boy off of the ground so now the boy was being strangled while floating in the air.

You skidded to a stop, almost sliding in a puddle while doing so. Adrenaline was surging through your veins, masking the pain in your wrist and allowing you to make very quick decisions. Maybe too quickly.

There was a dumpster a couple of feet away from you that had all kinds of metals and wood sticking out of it. You began moving again, your focus was on the dumpster this time. You wouldn't have time to rummage through it so you hoped whatever you'd grab would be useful in a way.

You could see the snakes began suppressing his face and the little boy's arms slowly drop at his side. This made you sprint even faster where it got to the point where you kept fumbling on your feet.

The dumpster was eventually in your range. You extended your arm out so you could just run past the bin and get to the boy faster. The moment your hand grazed something, you tightened your grip instantly and continued moving.

You looked down at your hand to see what you had taken and almost jumped in joy. Well, if it was suitable for the time. It was a metal pipe, about four feet long and three inches thick. It could some serious damage.

By now, you were about ten feet away from the villain. You drew the pipe above your head, ready to strike. Your legs burned and your body was craving for rest but you couldn't give in yet. Right when the villain turned his head to you, you swung the pipe as hard as you could.

You weren't the most robust person but when you heard the strangely satisfying crack, you knew you had done enough damage.

The villain cried out in pain and crumbled onto the floor. The snakes fell off of the boy and dispersed immediately. You determined the man's quirk would enable the snakes to focus on a certain target and without the villain concentrating on a victim, they're free to do whatever they want.

𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚂𝚗𝚘𝚘𝚣𝚎, 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙻𝚘𝚜𝚎 (𝙱𝙽𝙷𝙰 𝚇 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙳𝙴𝚁)Where stories live. Discover now