Wait...I'm No Leader!

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(Y/n): Okay...I can do this. There's just gonna be a lot of people asking me a lot of questions.

He walks into the cafeteria hoping for the worst.

Student: Holy crap it's him!

Every other student including all look towards him. Luckily, they don't swarm him like the press did. But he knows the attention is on him.

Uraraka, Iida, and Midoriya are the first of his classmates to spot him outside of class and wave to him from afar.

Uraraka: Hey, Hero! Come eat with us!

Iida: There is an open seat right here.

(Y/n) slowly walks towards the table his classmates are sitting at. Even while doing so, lots of stares and questions are directed towards him. Some are bad.

Student 1: Can you believe we have a vigilante in our school?

Student 2: There's no way that he's better than us, right?

Student 3: He probably had to cheat his way in.

While a couple are good.

Student 4: Remember when he went up against the spot?

Student 5: That was one of the first major villains that made him much more well known. Aside from the other villains he caught before that.

Student 6: Don't forget about Shocker and the wrecking crew.

(Y/n) sits next to the three. His nervousness can be seen by them. Midoriya speaks up about it.

Midoriya: Not used to this kind of attention?

(Y/n): If I'm able to escape it then no...Other than that? It's a whole new ball game. That's why I tend to avoid it all during lunch.

Uraraka: It's not so bad right?

(Y/n): At least I don't have people throwing stuff at me here at school. I was treated much worse though back when I first started out. Still am to this day, but hey, what're you gonna do?

He lifts his mask revealing only his mouth so he can eat his food.

Iida: You speak as if you're fine with it.

(Y/n): As long as they're safe I can take it.

Iida: But how long until you can't anymore?


(Y/n): Man, I didn't know it could get crowded in here huh?

Iida: ...Well. That's because students in the support, management, and hero courses share the same cafeteria.

(Y/n): Food is pretty good though.

The three are confused by how fast (Y/n) switched topics. But they decide not to push him into talking about it.

(Y/n): You know...I'm a tiny bit worried about this whole class rep situation. There's more qualified people in our class that fit the role of class rep better than me.

Iida: You'll be great.

(Y/n): Why do you say that?

Iida: Your courage, strength, quick thinking, and more. There's a lot you have and shown to the world during your vigilantism that makes you a worthy leader. That's why I voted for you, at least.

Friendly Neighborhood- Mha x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now