Just The Facts

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Lots of people inside a large building scramble to make some sort of work on the appearance of All Might, Spider-Man, and most importantly the vigilante. Aka (Y/n) (L/n)'s appearance to attending the most prestigious school, U.A.

Employee 1: First All Might, then Spider-Man. Now we have the vigilante. It just doesn't make sense! How did he especially of all people get into the school?

Employee 2: We already got newspapers printed everywhere. We should hurry and get things together for the morning. Places everyone! In 3 2 1. Mark!

Nearby cameras in the room the three employees. They pan towards a large desk where a man with black hair with white on the sides of his head. He sits behind the desk with his black vest, white shirt, and favorite tie on. Although he was told not to bring a cigar on set he takes one out from his pocket and holds it between his fingers. He's given a signal to begin talking.

 He's given a signal to begin talking

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J Jonah Jameson: My name is J. Jonah Jameson. Newscaster of Daily Bugle Communications and Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Bugle Newspaper and this is "Just the Facts" where I bring nothing but honesty and integrity to you hardworking individuals. Now, a while ago we had just discovered that All Might: The Symbol of Peace and Spider-Man have become a teacher for U.A. Now we have the miscreant vigilante attending this place as well.

He looks towards one of the other cameras in the room.

And it is without a doubt that THE vigilante, who has been running amok for 2 years without consequences, and ruining the lives of many good heroes and civilians alike, is looking to cause trouble at U.A. Sometimes I wonder if the family of this individual has never once bothered to teach him not to partake in criminal acts such as interfering on police business, intervening on heroic business. I mean you all saw the disaster of him taking on a group of villains stealing Oscorp equipment. Two of them, mind you, were members of the Sinister Six. One of the most dangerous group of villains in history. It seems to me whoever raised him did a poor job. Cause he needs to put up the mask and turn himself in.

Jameson looks back at the first camera he was originally looking at.

J. Jonah Jameson: But there's is a question that sits in everyone's heads right now. Is he a student or a teacher? Why hasn't anyone stopped him? Why isn't he in jail yet for his law breaking ways? How did the vigilante of all people get into U.A.? Well there's good news because before we had just opened up our broadcast I made the call to send one of our aspiring interns here at the Daily Bugle to go to the school and get the truth out of that criminal unlike these other news people who only want to say what brings them money. But not us! We will bring the unedited and unfiltered truth to you good people like we always do. So until next time, this was Just the Facts with J. Jonah Jameson. JARED, GET MY COFFEE READY!! It's too early in the morning for this sh-

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