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Hello and welcome to Honey Lips!

If you're here reading this then it already means the world to me. I can't wait to start this adventure with you. These characters have been with me for almost two years now and I'm really excited to finally show them to the world.

Writing their story has brought me a lot of joy and I hope you feel at least a sliver of it while reading this.

This story is clean, it only has a little cursing here and there.

I like to think that this has humour since it made me laugh but we'll see whether we can get you to crack a smile!

I am weird so it's only logical that some of that weirdness will be swept into the veins of this book's pages but that just makes it unique and makes me even more proud of my story.

Each vote, comment and read is highly appreciated, really I probably squeal for five minutes straight after getting a notification :)

Credits to the one, the only and the wonderful, 13WalkingDict! (I can be dramatic occasionally so don't mind me)

She made me this amazing cover, I can't say thank you enough. 🥺🥺🥺

And that's it!

Lot's of love,

—MIST ❤️💛❤️

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